Chapter IV: Awake

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Hateno Village is still at night. Children are fast asleep, parents finally able to relax, or resume day-to-day business. Farm animals begin to doze, farmers returning to their houses for dinner. Only the occasional wanderer is spotted walking through the village.

Only a few months prior to the defeat of Calamity, Link has lived here. His location is unknown to many, which he prefers, and while he rarely has time to spend at home, it's always a treat he enjoys.

Inside, there isn't much for show. A bed, fireplace, basin and a small cupboard containing foods he has yet to eat. The walls are decorated with various items he achieved on his journey to save the Champions and Princess Zelda.

Link prepares a stew, and the pot sizzles above the fireplace, the house beginning to smell delicious. Link stirs the food, eyeing the flames idly. He will be up again in six hours, headed to Hyrule Castle where Zelda expects him.

Hyrule Castle still requires plenty of work, but fortunately, various tribes across Hyrule have agreed to help. Prince Sidon, alongside his strongest Zora, spend most of the day reconstructing the castle, ensuring its stability, and improving its construction.

It is fortunate the Prince and Princess get along so well. Zelda appreciates Sidon's company, and the two have become friends. Perhaps it is too much to ask, wishing Zelda and Mipha saw eye-to-eye too. It helps that Sidon now has less responsibility, less stress, so that he can attend to alliances with other tribes. And being close to Hyrule's Princess is always a step in the right direction.

Link eats quickly, the stew filling his belly and casting a warmth through him. Satisfied, Link empties his bowl and places it aside, anxious to sleep, and be up and ready by dawn.

Just as he is about to head upstairs, there's a knock at his door.

Link stiffens. He isn't expecting visitors, especially at this hour. Slightly tense, he proceeds for the door, and opens it, expecting a Royal Guard or, worse, some monster to greet him.

To Link's surprise, it is neither.

'I'm sorry,' Mipha says. She's wearing a blue shawl on top of her usual wear to keep her warm from the cold. 'I don't mean to disturb you so late.'

Link needs a moment to collect himself. 'No, it's fine. How did you get here?'

'There are many routes via the joining rivers. It's not hard making your way around, once you know where you're going.' Link still looks puzzled, so she answers his next inevitable question. 'Princess Zelda told me this is where you would be, at this house.'

'It's rare I get any visitors,' Link says. He steps aside, letting her come in.

Mipha considers the invitation, but refuses. 'I won't be here long. I have been thinking about the last time we met. You were clearly unhappy, so I thought it best we take some time apart.'

Oh. Link's heart stops.

He was unhappy. Shocked, too, knowing Mipha had her eyes set on somebody else. That's fair, and reasonable of her. But it just felt so sudden, and Link didn't really understand where that placed him. Had she not given him the armour for a reason, such as marriage?

Although, really, he isn't entirely sure why the potential engagement affects him so much. They aren't together; they were never a couple, and as far as Link can remember, nothing happened between them. Mipha confirmed he was never in love with her before he lost his memories.

Link doesn't understand why they have to spend time apart. If she wants him to be behave, then he will. In fact, he will never bring up any potential suitors again. Just the idea of not seeing her for a while hurts, and her coming to him, proposing such a thing, that hurts. He exhales shakily.

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