Chapter VII: Wound.

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Out of all the tribes within Hyrule, the Zora are classed as the most religious. Birth, marriage and funerals will always be treated with a certain amount of mysticism; a higher power always acknowledged. There is something sacred in life and death.

They make arrangements to burn the King. In fact, mere hours after the announcement of his death, the Zora are already preparing the funeral pier. A sinking, wailing despair shudders the Domain, and Sidon has never witnessed his home be so desolate.

His father was loved dearly by his people, and he was expected to live longer. In Zora years, the King was only middle-aged. Yet, since his daughter's return, his health deteriorated fast. Perhaps shock. Exhaustion from his grief. Something.

Either way, it is difficult for Mipha not to blame herself for her father's fast death.

Sidon and Mipha haven't spoken much, which he isn't happy about. He hates not knowing how she's doing; whether he can help; what these advisors have been saying to her. The amount of pressure, so abruptly forced upon her, would make anybody break.

Apparently not, though. Mipha seems determined to not only maintain her usual display of welcome and kindness, but fulfil her new role as Sovereign. Some of the elder Zora remark on the fact she should marry, and fast. They're panicking. Mipha has already died once. If they lost her again, it would be a travesty. The Domain need heirs.

Of course Sidon is blatantly aware that something is going on between her sister and Link. It infuriates him why she doesn't just send a messenger to Hyrule Castle, and have Link appear to her prepped for the occasion.

They would be a good couple, right?

What does he know?

Sidon is naïve in some ways, especially when it comes to love.

Maybe if Mipha were still a Princess, it would be possible, but now? He isn't sure. He fears the two of them may have left it too late.

They've lost their future. Again.

Sidon would prefer if Link were here. It's astonishing, and extremely worrying, that Mipha hasn't expressed any despair over her father's death yet. Clearly, she's trying to hide it, and maybe Link is the only person who can comfortably console her through this ordeal.

Thankfully, Princess Zelda must have thought the same. Because within a few hours of her departure, the Hylian Knight himself has arrived. He's a tad frantic, but manages to discipline himself.

Link is experienced at facing death and fear, and he won't embarrass himself in front of the Zora, regardless of how he feels for their new Queen.

When Zelda informed Link of the news, everything just stopped. Although he barely knew the King, he was aware just how much he meant to his children. Not only that, the King's death meant only one thing for Mipha, and a sudden feeling of loss enveloped him. This is going to change everything.

Zelda granted him permission, of course, to visit the Domain, even saying he can stay as long as he wishes. Link won't abuse her trust, and is grateful for her understanding.

The funeral will be held in the next hour. In the meantime, Mipha is still being pestered, trying to catch up and manage the amount of international affairs and policies her father was involved with before his death. It was just as well he decided to pass on most of his duties to her when she returned to him.

There are just so many more rules, guidelines, requirements, people she has to deal with. Naturally an introvert, Mipha isn't particularly keen on socialising, but she doesn't have a choice. She was born into this role and there isn't any way out of it.

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