Chapter VIII: Still.

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Link has never seen a man cry before.

There isn't a single man he has met who has wept in public. Although Link fell apart before Mipha, that was the only time. As far as he can recall, however. The sight doesn't disturb Link, but he is suddenly on high alert. Something really awful has happened for Prince Sidon to cry.

It's a sort of devastated sob. Nobody wails. There is a quiet, almost angry heartbreak being shared. Link drops his head, out of respect, but also for the Prince's privacy. Somebody so strong, who shines with glee wherever he goes, only to completely crumble at his father's death. Link wonders if Sidon reacted in a similar manner when Mipha's fate was revealed.

Perhaps it is due to her new, abrupt position; or, death is such a familiar friend to her, but Mipha hides her emotions very well. Maybe Sidon cries for her. Link glances at Mipha, who deliberately ignores Sidon––she can't see him because his pain would make her cry. Ever since her mother's passing, Sidon's happiness and safety has been one of her priorities.

Now, there isn't anything she can do to ease his agony. So the best thing she can do is ignore him, pretend he isn't there. It helps.

Link stands beside her silently. Wood crackles and burns in the flame, and their father's body is taken whole by the fire.

It's a relief when this finally happens, and after a moment, Zora begin to disperse from the area. Their beloved King is gone forever, and his tiny daughter is to take his place.

Mipha brushes her hand across Link's. She won't lean on him, but just to touch him; know he is there, at least for now. Link isn't an idiot. Her sadness is clear to him but, just as he has to, that can't be made apparent.

Turning back to Sidon, Link is a tad taken aback to find one of Sidon's many ladies comforting him. It's a nice sight, but he wonders how Mipha would feel if she caught Sidon being comforted by another. Maybe she is aware. He isn't a little boy anymore, and she isn't his mother. Perhaps she needs to take a step back.

Later, when Sidon has gone inside, and the pyre has finished burning, Link and Mipha are left with smoke and ash. They walk together, silent at first, and out of sight as the two of them wander away from the Domain. It's growing dark, the stars are out, and a heavy grief fills the atmosphere. They are anxious to flee from it all.

They walk uphill, gifting themselves with not only a beautiful view of the Domain, but Hyrule itself. Link thinks of Zelda, wondering if she is okay; whether she expects him back or not. The fact she let him go, just like that, was puzzling, considering her prior behaviour towards him.

'It's very still here.'

Link looks at Mipha, and smiles in agreement.

It is peaceful.

'You okay?' He asks.

'Of course I am,' she replies pleasantly. Link can see right through her, though.

The two of them pause, gaze caught in each other, and, perhaps wisely, Mipha eventually averts her attention. Thinking of Link, even looking at him, only makes her heart shred a little more. She's not entirely sure how much more of this she can take.

'Sidon was asking me about his mother earlier.'

Link raises a brow. 'You've never spoken about her before, actually.'

'No,' Mipha sighs.

'Why not?'

'There was never really an appropriate time to talk about her. I don't even believe now is the right time, either.'

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