1: Astrology Conundrum (Introduction)

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Chapter 1: Astrology Conundrum (Introduction)

"Are you sure about this, Cassandra?"

The dark haired girl rolled her eyes and turned her head to her father, her eyebrows furrowed.

"I told you for the 5th time today, Dad. Yes, I am sure. Stop treating me like a kid!" She ranted.


"Dad." She sighed. "You know how long I have been wishing to go to Corona High and study criminology."

"But why Corona High?"

She raised an eyebrew. "Why not Corona High?"

Her father's lip formed into a thin line, his eyebrows furrowing but he didn't answered.

Cassandra crossed her arms and stared at her father. "Don't tell me you don't want me to go to Corona High?"

"Yes - no." His father sighed. "It's not like that, sweetie. It's just that, it's a boarding school!"

Cassandra tilted her head to the side, pursing her lips. "What's wrong with going to a boarding school?"

His father didn't answer but his silence proved something.

She groaned and rolled her eyes. "I told you, Dad! I'm not a kid anymore!" She whined. "Stop looking at me like I'm a damsel-in-distress! I'm 23 years old and I'm studying criminology for goodness' sake!"

"But, Cass!"

Cassandra narrowed her eyes at him and grabbed her luggage, heading to her car.

"Cassandra, please!"

She stopped and closed her eyes, calming herself down. It's okay. She can do it. He's her father and she knew that he's only worried. She opened her eyes and slowly turned to him.

"I'm sorry-" she was cut off when her father gave her a hug.

"I'm sorry, Cassandra. I was just worried. It's a huge adjustment for me. I'm used to seeing you once I got home."

The dark haired girl sighed and pulled away. "I know, Dad. I'm sorry I reacted like that. It was disrespectful of me."

Her father gave him a smile. "Just don't get into trouble, Cass," said her father and opened the car's trunk, placing her luggage in it.

Cassandra opened the door and sat on the driver's seat. "Got it, Dad."

"See you soon, Cassandra."

"See you soon, Dad." She closed the car door.

She stepped on the gas and made her way to her new school. She sighed. This is it. She always wanted to study criminology and when she grew older and be a Forensic Science Technician or maybe a Jury Consultant, anything to help her father.

Honestly, the reason why she enrolled at Corona High — other than the good quality education it gives — was also to get the freedom she wanted. Don't get her wrong, she love her adopted father but he can be overprotective at times.

She arrived at the parking lot and opened the door. She sighed, a heavy feeling in her stomach. She gulped and got down from her car. She opened her trunk and took out her black luggage.

She sure hope that this doesn't seemed weird, walking to school holding a luggage. She's starting to regret bringing a lot of things to school. I know that the essentials are already given to them but she still have things the school cannot give.


She was about to enter the front door when a voice called out to her. She turned her head and saw a blonde girl wearing the school's uniform. She must be a student here.

"Hello," she replied.

"You're new here, right?" She asked with a soft voice, her eyes fixated at her luggage.

"Yeah," she answered. "Do you know where the Registar's office is? I need to get my schedule."

"Oh, sure! Follow me! I'm Rapunzel." The blonde introduced.

"I'm Cassandra," said the dark-haired girl.

The arrived in front of the registar's office, a glass window being the only one to block her and the registar.

"Name and course?" asked the registar. According to her nameplate, her name is Marie.

"Cassandra Lim, Criminology." she answered.

"Alright, here's your schedule," said Marie and handed her a piece of paper through the glass hole at the bottom.

She took it and saw her schedule for the first semester:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday Classes:
Understanding the self - 8:00 - 9:00
Readings in Corona History - 9:00 - 10:00
Interactive English: Listening, Speaking and Grammar - 10:00 - 11:00
Introduction to Criminology — 11:00 - 12:00
Mathematics in the Modern World - 1:00 - 2:00

For her Saturday class:
The Contemporary World - 8:00 - 10:00
Fundamentals of Martial Arts 10:00 - 12:00

Sunday class:
Reserve Officer Training Corps 1 (ROTC 1) - 8:00 - 12:00

Then it read that her room was on the girl's dormitory, Room 18.

She sighed. So she'll be free on every Tuesday and Thursday.  Her ROTC 1 class really is a long one. She can do this.

"Oh! We're roommates!" She turned her head to see Rapunzel peeking on her schedule.

"Great. That leaves me a lot of time to prepare for my first day tomorrow."

"I'll give you a tour if you want!" The blonde suggestions.

"Nah, I'll pass. I'm tired for the day. Now if you wouldn't mind, can you lead me to our room?" She asked.

"Oh, sure!"

A few minutes later, they arrived in front of the door. She sighed and opened the door, revealing a big room with three beds in it. The one was occupied by a dark haired girl with black eyes. She's wearing a black glass and her eyes was fixated in the book she is reading, "The Crooked House by Agatha Christie."

"Cassandra, meet Bridget. Bridget, meet Cassandra!" Rapunzel introduced.

Bridget raised her hand and waved, not daring to look at the two. "Sup," she greeted.

"Hey," Cassandra replied and placed her luggage on the bed that she presumed was hers since it's the only part of the room who seemed lackluster.

"I hope you two get along," said Rapunzel with a smile. "I still need to tend the newbies. Bye!" She waved her hand and closed the door.

The room was silent as Cassandra fixed her things. She opened the cabinet and saw that her uniform there were complete. She opened another cabinet and decided to place there her personal clothes and stuffs. There were two cabinets for each student to be exact.


Cassandra was in the middle of fixing her things when a loud scream was heard. Bridget quickly stopped reading and sat up, running to the door and Cassandra followed.

She saw that the other students were also rushing out of their rooms. She even saw Rapunzel running towards their direction. The blonde stopped in front of them, trying to catch her breath.

"Are you okay?" asked Bridget.

"What happened?" Cassandra asked.

"It's the Astronomy teacher! He's been murdered!"



Credits the class schedule for the 1st semester of B.S. Criminology to the FB page Armed Detective Agency and to what school it belongs to.

Thank you mllktea for making the wonderful book cover! <3

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