Greece part 2

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When they got off the plane and after long minutes of searching their bags, they took their phone to check the information about their rented car. - Okay, we have to go to the park next to the airport. It's said that it's a 3 minutes walk. - she checked her phone. - Then let's go see where we will stay. - Ryan started to walk excitedly to the exit. - Let's go before Dora the explorer goes in the wrong direction. - Espo made them laugh and walked after Kevin. - Jeez, it's a Maserati. - Espo runs around the car and jumps into the driver's seat. - Hey, I want to drive! - Kevin sat next to his partner and they started a little fight. Kate wanted to Castle have the moment, and she automatically walked to the passenger seat. - You don't want to drive this? - he looked at her surprised. - Give me a ride. - she winked while she took her seat. He sat in the car with a huge grin on his face while Beckett typed the address into the GPS. - It says it's about 16 km. - she looked up to her husband. - That's not even a distance. - he pushes the start button and followed the GPS instructions. While Castle was driving Kate turned on the radio and admired the view of the island. Once their drive started she connected Castles phone to the car and choose the first playlist on his Spotify. She put in on shuffle and Sam Smith: Leave your lover was playing in the car. She looked at her husband when she heard the lyrics and stopped the music. - Why is this song is on your playlist? - she put her gaze back to him. - I-uh it's just a song. - he answered but she could tell he was lying. - thought I was cheating on you? - her eyes started to tear up under her sunglasses. - I..Yes. I thought maybe I did something and you are now with someone else. - he confessed his thought and her tears rolled down her face. She wanted to say so many things, explain herself all over again but at the moment she thought he won't believe it. She put her sunglasses to the top of her head, looked at Castle, and intertwined their fingers. Again, she had so many words in her mind to tell, but she couldn't, she just wanted him to know that she loved him. Her reaction surprised him, he thought she will be mad and she will yell at him, but all he could see was her tears.  They didn't need 3 minutes to park down in front of the main stairs. There was a heavy silence around them until they had to talk with the receptionist. - Good morning, we booked a room for two, on Castle. - he stepped to the counter and his wife was standing behind with the two suitcases. - Good morning, yes, here is your key and you have to go out and go to the top and the number will be on the door. - the young man answered. Castle and Beckett waited for the boys and then they went to find their room. After they get to the top of the stairs a beautiful view got in front of them. - Oh my god it's gorgeous. - it was all he can say and everybody agreed. Kate didn't really care about the sight, she just wanted to be somewhere, where nobody could see her and cry. - Hey man, what's wrong with her? - Ryan asked 'cause it was pretty noticeable that something was bothering their friend. - I will talk to her. - he excuses himself and went after his wife. When he entered the room his jaw dropped down. It was like a VIP room. - Kate? - he called her name after looking around the room, well it was an apartment. She was standing at the balcony, now looking at the sight. - It's charming isn't it? - he elbowed himself on the ledge and took a look at her, she was crying - I'm sorry - he apologized. - No, babe, - she began -  I'm sorry. I never wanted to hurt you that way. I never even wanted to hurt you, not even a bit. But..I'm so sorry. - she couldn't look him in the eyes, she lowered her head and let her sob coming out. - Hey - he turned to her and put his arms around her waist so he can turn her to face him - come here. - he pulled her closer and she snuggled into him. She let out a sob and he hugged her more closely. - I never want this. I just wanted you to be safe if anything happens to me. - she hugged him tighter if it was possible. - I know, baby, I know. - his lips was on the top of her head while he was stroking her hair with one of his hands. - Come on, we have to call Gates and tell her we are here so she can send us more details about the case. - he let her cry herself out, gave one last kiss onto her head, and let her push her away from him. - I really wanna work on us, Rick. I wanna be the wife that you deserve. - she stroked his face with her thumb and looked into his eyes. - Let's go inside. - he smiled at her politely and she grabbed her phone to call her boss. - Morning Sir, we're here. - when Gates picked up, she informed her. - That's great Detective, can you please go get the boys if they are not there? - she asked and the Castles went to Esposito and Ryan's room. - Hey, Javi, we are on the phone with..what the hell?! - as soon as she stepped into the room she faced her best friend, Jenny, and the boys. - I think you met Dr. Parish and Mrs. Ryan. - they could hear the grin in her voice. - I did Sir, just don't know why and how. - she was shocked. She looked to Castle, but he was as surprised as her. - Well, Detectives, I want to welcome all of you on your holiday. The major thought, that you had a very tough year and this is your gift from New York City to us. - she said and before anyone could say something she walked into the house. They were more shocked and surprised if it was even possible. - Oh My God! This is amazing! - Kevin was the first who talked. - Is-is this real? I mean that poor guy is alive? - Kate asked with disbelief in her voice. - It's all real Beckett, enjoy your two weeks in Santorini. Sadly no, it was a real case, but the police of the island solved it decades ago. - she answered her, and Kate could not believe it. - I think we should pack out our stuff, go to the beach, or the pool, grab a cocktail and enjoy our vacation. - with that everybody went to their own apartment. Kate didn't know how to feel about it. She hoped that this case would bring them closer, but now she was unsure what to do. - You okay? - he asked while he put his clothes into the wardrobe. - Yeah, I'm fine. - she smiled and followed her husband. After they were done with the packing, they agreed on breakfast before they are going after the team. - What do you want to eat? - she asked him while they headed to the kitchen. - I don't know, let's see what's in the fridge. - he walked there and opened it. - We have eggs, milk, veggies, fruits, orange juice, butter, uhm..let me see..some cold cuts. I think we have literally everything to have a great breakfast. - she looked at him and she could see he was confused about what to eat - Okay here's the deal, you make coffee, and I make breakfast. - she offered him. - Deal. - he went to the coffee maker and she gets out the ingredients from the fridge. - Where you wanna eat? In or out? - he stood in front of the kitchen island with two coffee in his hand. - At the balcony, I'll be there in a minute. - she smiled at him and he walked out to the mentioned place. She put the last pancake on the plate and placed everything on the biggest tray she could find. - Wow, you made breakfast for an army. - he chuckled when he saw the tray full of food. - Well, we are on vacation, we need as much food as we can eat, coffee, beach, and sun all day. - she had a huge smile on her face while she put the plates at the table. I made some waffles and pancakes, found some syrups in the cabinet, and sliced up some banana, apple, and watermelon, but if you want something salty, I made some omelet with ham and cheese and sliced up some veggies too. - she sat down and tasted her coffee. - Well, let's eat. - he put his mug down in synchrony with his wife and they started their breakfast. - I can't breathe. - she leaned back to the chair so did Castle. - We really eat all of it? - he looked at the empty plates. - Hell, we did - she nodded and slowly started to stand up. - Do we have plans for today? - she asked while they did the dishes and put everything back to where it was. - I think we should go after the team, you know hanging out a bit. - he shrugged. - Oh okay, I'm going to change then. - she went into their room and put on her red bikinis. She came out of the room to see that Castle was sitting on the couch playing on his phone. - You can go change if you want. - she grabbed her towel and put on her slippers. - Yeah, just a sec. - he didn't even look up from his gaming. - I'll go find Lanie, meet you at the beach. - she put the towel around her waist and went to find her friend. - Hey girls - she sat down between Jenny and Lanie, so she could sunbathing too.

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