The Wooden Box

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                                        Three Days Earlier

Donnie thrust his arm into the pile of junk in front of him, his hand rubbing against the metal parts within it as he searched for anything of use. His brown eyes categorized everything he saw and connected them to the mental list he had going on within his mind. It was a decently short list, but the parts he had been looking for during the past three hours were hard parts to find.

He wished he had the luxury of walking into stores and simply picking out what he wanted, but he highly doubted they had what he needed anyway. Which didn't really matter, now that he was really considering it, because he wouldn't even be able to enter the buildings. Being a giant mutant turtle, he would scare the shell off of any humans that laid eyes on his large, bulky form.

Actually, that isn't a very accurate description of what would happen, considering the humans don't have shells to scare off...

Donnie shook his head at the thought and, having successfully categorized this pile, realized that it had nothing of interest for him. Nimbly climbing down, Donnie made his way to the bottom of the pile, some of the things falling down after him as he hit the ground. He moved to the side so none of them would land in the bag of parts he had been filling, having no desire to carry anything extra back to the lair in his already heavy bag.

Donnie adjusted the grip he had on the long, pale brown duffle bag, making sure he didn't lose it before he headed home. Glancing up at the sky, Donnie realized just how late it was and figured that Leo must have been flipping out with worry back at the lair, no doubt impatiently waiting for his return.

He knew that lately his brother had become more concerned about their safety as of late and realize that if he didn't head back soon, his brother wouldn't hesitate to come to the junkyard and drag him back home.

He was about to make his way out of the junkyard when something within the corner of his mind informed him that he was forgetting something.

Forgetting something? Yes, I haven't completed my list but I can always come back later...

Donnie frowned, tilting his head as he glanced down at the duffle bag, his mind trying to remember what it was he could have forgotten.

"Donnie! Look what I found!"

The excited, high pitch screams that called out this announcement rang across the junkyard and, with a long sigh, Donnie realized what he had been missing. Responding to the call, Donnie raced around the piles and towards where the sound had originated. He spotted his younger brother beaming and holding up a tire for his older brother's examination.

"Oh, wow. You found a tire." Donnie stated, trying not to let his sarcasm slip through too much. It was evident how much this discovery pleased Mikey. Donnie wasn't fully certain why, he knew where an entire pile of tires were in the junkyard, which didn't make tires a rare find.

Mikey would probably know that if he came with Donnie during the other supply runs that he went on, but Donnie had always denied him because, though he tried his best, his younger brother was more of a distraction then a help. Unfortunately, when Leo found out Donnie was leaving, the older turtle insisted that he bring Mikey along. No matter how hard he tried to explained that Mikey would make it take way longer than needed, Leo had insisted that "No Mikey, no junkyard."

He supposed it was a good thing he had unconsciously remembered he had Mikey with him because returning home without the youngest turtle would not have bode well with Leo. Not well at all. Turning his attention back to Mikey, he saw the turtle looking at it like he had just uncovered a hidden treasure.

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