Just A Dream

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The Demon was instantly aware that he was free from the cursed box and immediately accepted the beckoning freedom. Hovering near the roof of these new surroundings, he looked around, taking in everything. The room seemed to be filled with futuristic objects that he couldn't recognize.

Wondering how much time had passed since he was trapped in the box, he turned his attention to the two creatures in the room with him. The Demon's interest was caught when he realized they were large, walking, talking, human-like turtles.

The smaller turtle had a young and innocent feel to him, walking over to a strange vehicle with a wide, beaming grin that deeply disgusted the watching Demon. He turned to the other, noticing the taller turtle was lost in his own thoughts, most likely oblivious to the younger.

Wondering if the world had been conquered by these creatures while he was away, the Demon turned his attention to himself and his plight. He wasn't sure how compatible these creatures would be to his plans and therefore wondered if they were any use to him.

Then he sensed a feeling that immediately attracted his attention. Fear.

The older turtle was practically radiating the feeling as he rushed over to the younger, who was sitting on the futuristic automobile. As an explosion rang out, launching both turtles into the wall underneath him, the Demon couldn't resist the urge any longer.

Moving swiftly, he entered the taller turtle and began feeding on the fear surrounding his thoughts. Prodding through his mind, he realized that this turtle's mind was alike to that of humans. The only difference being an IQ level that momentarily stunned the Demon.

It was then he began sifting through the thoughts of this Donatello and easily constructed a dream that would be the final test, of sorts, in seeing the reaction of the - mutant.

Donatello reacted perfectly, the negative feelings caused by the simple dream filling the Demon with more energy than expected. It was then the Demon realized he had made the right decision to enter this host.

Pleased with how rewarding his freedom was becoming, he allowed himself a moment to soak in the energy the fading dream had granted. Then began accustoming himself to the mind of Donatello, resolving not to wait to continue the turtle's torment.


Eyes shooting open, Donnie was surprised when he saw the worried emerald eyes of Raph looking down at him. He immediately realized it had been Raph who smacked him when Leo appeared behind the hot-head and pulled Raph away shouting. "Was that really necessary?!"

"Well, it woke him up, didn't it?" Raph shot back.

Their blue-eyed leader glared at him before turned to look down at Donnie. "Hey, you alright?" He asked his toned more soothing than when he had snapped at Raph.

"I-I think so," Donnie replied, allowing Leo to help him to his feet.

He looked around the lab, immediately seeing the bike and realizing his position against the wall. These facts told him that he must have been knocked unconscious when he hit the wall, making what he had seen with Mikey a post-disaster dream.


He spun around to see Raph was now leaning over their brother. Pushing through both him and Leo, Donnie rushed to Mikey's side, giving their younger brother a quick check-over. Ignoring an image of dead Mikey from his dream, Donnie was relieved when he saw that his younger brother would be just fine.

He was bruised and battered, sure, but Mikey would most defiantly survive.

As he finished making his assessment, he saw Mikey's eyes flicker open, his baby-blue orbs glancing dizzily at Donnie before groaning. "I need a major pizza pick-me-up after that."

Donnie moved aside as Leo came over and made his way over to the half of Raph's bike that remained. It was going to take way longer then he anticipated to present Raph with the gift of a newly upgraded bike. Even so, this didn't seem like such a big deal compared to the knowledge his brother was alive and well.

Turning back, he saw Leo helping their younger brother to his feet and Raph's eyes widening drastically when he spotted what use to be the stealth bike. "Donnie! What happened to my bike!?" 

Leo glanced over at Donnie, clearly wondering something along the same lines, and Donnie tried to explain. "Well, Mikey went on Raph's bike and the engine-"

"Mikey, what did you do to my bike?!" Raph rudely interrupted, spinning to face Mikey with an anger that made Donnie wince. The genius placed his hand on his temple, now fully aware of the splitting headache creeping up on him.

Still leaning on Leo, Mikey blinked a few times and turned a guilty gaze to what used to be Raph's bike. "Sorry, dude." He said, his voice cracking slightly. "I was testing it for Donnie but I think I didn't use it right and I – er – I guess it exploded."

"You guess it exploded?!" Raph demanded gesturing to it. "You guess?"

"Woah, back up," Leo said helping Mikey to sit in Donnie's chair. Turning to face Donnie, Leo placed both hands on his hips and demanded. "You had Mikey test the bike?"

Donnie, who hadn't been paying much attention as he massaged his aching head, looked up in surprise at the accusation. "W-what?" He asked, meeting Leo's fierce glare.

"Why would you have Mikey test it? What were you thinking?!" Leo shouted waving at Mikey and then over at the bike. "Seriously, Donnie. You could have killed him!"

Donnie flinched at the comment, another image from his dream flashing through his mind, before staring at Leo in surprise. "But - but - I didn't – I mean – he started it while I wasn't looking and-"

"Why would you not watch him while he was on it?" Leo demanded, even more horrified at the thought. "You should know better than to trust Mikey around that kind of equipment Donnie!"

"I didn't know he was on it!"

"But you were stupid enough to give him permission in the first place!"

"But Leo, I didn't give him-"

His anger consuming his better judgment, Leo didn't bother to listen to what he thought was just Donnie's excuses. "Oh, so you're telling me he didn't  test the bike for you?"

"Well, yes, he did, but - but I didn't-"

"Just shut it, Donnie. I don't wanna hear it." Leo snapped turning his attention on a still-dazed Mikey. He helped Mikey to his feet before carefully leading his little brother out of the lab and into the lair. Donnie watched him leave, mouth open in shock, and then glanced over at Raph.

He was surprised to see Raph simply shaking his head in disapproval.

"R-Raph." He started hoping to get at least one of them to see his side of the story.

"I don't want to hear it either, Donnie!" Raph barked, his emerald eyes flashing dangerously. "I can't believe you of all people would do something so reckless! You're supposed to be the smart one, but that was a seriously stupid move!"

Then, after glancing at his destroyed bike once more, Raph stormed out of the room after Leo, leaving a stunned and hurt Donnie standing alone in the lab.

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