Taking Control

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Donnie was aware of how crazy and idotic the action of running in the way of vicious mutant while it was in the middle of an attack would be. He knew the consequences would be extremely painful and in no way could such a foolish act end well.

And yet he did it anyway.

The moment he saw the mutant swiftly raise it's paw, he knew the beast was going for the kill. He didn't have time to completely think through his reaction, only enough to realize how stupid it would be. Sprinting towards them, he leaped in the way, taking the blow he believed should have been his in the first place.

He was clearly responsible for this mess and, no matter what Leo said, he wasn't going to allow his brother's to pay for it.

The pain that came with the blow was nothing compared to that which came when his limp form slammed into the wall and he toppled to the ground. The genius presumed that at this point he'd become unconcious because everything around him was now a foggy black. It might have been his imagination but this darkness seemed to be closing in on him.

He glanced around, suddenly unable to think straight, memories and thoughts fading just as swiftly as they appeared. A fuzzy feeling seemed to envolp him and this left Donnie on some strange form of mental autopilot.

As Donnie was finding it hard to recall how he had ended up in this black void or decipher how to get back out, all he could do was try to hold on to whatever knowledge and memories he had left and hope that his family was okay.

Wherever they were...


Leo, Raph, and Mikey watched in horror as Donnie was tossed across the room, his body slamming into the wall and hitting the floor. Raph jumped to his feet and rushed to Donnie, the oldest and youngest brothers turning their gazes back on the mutant wolf which had suddenly dissapeared into thin air.

Raph, who hadn't given the wolf a second thought, was by Donnie's side in seconds. Dropping down to his knees, he lifted Donnie's limp body and shook him commanding. "Donnie! Donnie, wake up!"

Donnie didn't move or make any motions that his subconscious was aware of this. Panicking, Raph instinctively smacked him as he commanded. "Donnie! Get up, brainiac!"

When there was no movement or reply, Raph lifted his hand to smack him again. Before he could land the blow, Donnie's hand shot up and grabbed hold of his arm. Raph paused and relaxed his grip slightly, hopefully asking. "D-Donnie?"

The genius's eyes flew open and Raph's breath was caught when he saw the unrecognizable black ones staring back at him.

"Not quite." The Demon hissed, letting go of Raph's hand and shakingly pulling himself upright. The hothead jumped to his feet and moved backward, horrified emerald green meeting pleased deep black.

The Demon made sure that there was enough space between the two of them so that he could defend his new form when the truth finally sunk through the hotheaded turtle's thick skull. He could already feel Donatello's confusion, the turtle's control of the body now gone, the genius unknowingly handing over to the Demon as he succumbed to his new place within the back of his mind.

Mikey and Leo appeared at Raph's sides moments later, all of them watching as the Demon stepped back experimentally, flexing his new muscles and smirking as he pulled out Donnie's bo staff. He spun in thoughtfully, tossing it from hand to hand, his unnerving smirk continuing to grow proudly. "Ah, yes. This should do quite nicely."

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