The Accident

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Donnie struggled to make sure he didn't drop the other objects in his hand as he reached up to the top of the shelf to place the tangled wires with the others he had collected. He made a mental note to untangle them later and turned back to see what else he had.

Donnie assumed his younger brother had left the room because of how quiet the lab was, and Donnie couldn't help but feel regretful when he remembered how he shot down Mikey's idea. His younger brother had seemed excited at the prospect of them hanging out but Donnie had to admit he was less enthusiastic about it.

What he and Mikey often thought of as 'fun' were two entirely different things, as Mikey enjoyed childish games, like pranking his sibling and playing with action figures, while Donnie was a more mature turtle who had important things to do with his time... Or at least he liked to think of himself in that way. He sometimes wondered if he was the most mature out of all his brothers.

It was obvious to anyone who met him, that Mikey still had a long way to go before he could even be considered close to mature.

Ralph had those anger issues of his that held him back from ever being anything but a fierce, raging, hot-head.

Honestly, out of the three brother's, Leo was the only one who could be considered mature... If it weren't for his strange fascination with the tv show Space Heros.

Donnie was shaken from his thoughts when the sound of revving echoed through his lab. Surprised, he spun around and was shocked to see Mikey sitting on the seat of Raph's bike, a pleased grin filling his expression.

"Mikey! What are you doing?!" Donnie demanded as Mikey jumped excitedly on the seat.

"Dude, I'm testing the bike for you." Mikey replied looking over at Donnie, obviously proud of himself for coming up with the idea. "This way we don't have to wait till tomorrow to hang."

"Mikey, that's a terrible idea!" Donnie shot back, dropping the parts he held on the table next to the duffle bag. "Do you even know how to ride that?!"

"I'm a quick learner." Mikey shot back, seeming determined not to let Donnie talk him out of it.

"Mikey, get off the bike before-" Donnie paused mid-sentence and froze when he spotted a small stream of smoke leaving the engine.

Mikey, gaze now on Donnie and completely oblivious to the smoking engine, cocked his head and curiously asked. "Before what?"

Hearing the calm, innocent question from his brother snapped Donnie out of his shocked state and he rushed over to Mikey. 

Pulling Mikey off of the bike, he was about to drag him out of the lab when Mikey planted his feet on the floor and started. "Come on, Donnie! I was just trying to-"

And that's when the bike engine exploded.

A million thoughts ran through Donnie's head as they were launched away from the bike and slammed into the wall across the room. All of which led back to Mikey and the overwhelming fear at what had become of him after the explosion.

As both turtles were slammed into the wall, the puff of black smoke that had earlier exited the doll shot itself towards the genius. It slammed into his chest, causing Donnie to convulse momentarily, and then seemingly disappeared.

Donnie felt himself regain consciousness fairly quickly, his head and vision feeling blurry as a new wave of panic flew through the turtle. As his eyes adjusted, he realized that the bike was now on fire. Jumping to his feet, he rushed over to the corner of his lab where he kept tools for just these kinds of emergencies.

Lifting up a medium-sized hose and water container he had created himself, (you'd be surprised how many times his inventions caused raging fires), he quickly sprayed the flames until all that was left was a burnt up shell of a bike.

As he dropped the hose and container, Donnie suddenly felt a faint migraine coming on. He quickly reasoned that this must have been the cause of flying across the room and slamming into a wall, and did his best to ignore it.

Turning around, he heard the groan of his younger brother before he rushed over to his side.

"Mikey!" He cried out instinctively.

There was no response as he turned his attention to Mikey's chest, his heart feeling as though it stopped upon spotting a piece of shrapnel in his plastron, no doubt from the exploding bike. The genius turtle froze, his eyes spotting the blood covering his younger brother's plastron, before jumping to his feet and rushing to grab medical supplies.

As he moved back towards his brother, his mind racing wildly, he realized where the shrapnel had landed. Right next to his heart.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no..."

Donnie wasn't aware of his terrified mumbling or the way his hands had begun shaking. Lifting his gaze to Mikey's neck, he desperately reached over, silently begging for a pulse.

There was nothing.

Donnie jumped back from the body, medical supplies scattered around him, disbelief covering his face as tears began flowing down his cheeks. "No! No! No!" He shouted rushing back over and hugging his limp body. "This can't be happening! It can't be... Mikey, wake up!"

Even though the scientific part of his brain had to point out it wasn't going to happen, the brother side refused to accept what he was seeing, even hoping for some kind of miracle.

"Mikey... Please... Mikey..."

Clutching his brother's body closer to him, the genius was aware of Leo's voice calling for him in the background. Refusing to look up, he shut his eyes and tried ignoring it until he was, very rudely, slapped in the face. 

Author's Note: Okay, okay, -please put down the knife - I'm aware that I just killed off Mikey, but - Hey! Watch where you aim that! - I swear that I'll make it up to you! Please be patient as I will strive to hurry with the next chapter - Remember if you kill me now, I can't keep writing! - so please don't throw any hate my way, just yet. - Pitchforks?! Really?! -  I hope you stay safe and be back for chapter three!

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