Chapter Forty

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It was silent in Trystan's basement, everyone separated sporadically

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It was silent in Trystan's basement, everyone separated sporadically. Nobody knew what to say, Charlie staring down at her bruised knuckle as she lightly ran her fingers along the throbbing bone. She was scared to look up at anybody - she knew they were probably waiting for her to say something. Charlie was usually the one to initiate the conversation, she was the one to start the topic, she was the one to begin things. Well, either her or Ren, and since Ren hadn't said anything, they would probably rely on her and she had no idea what to say or where to start.

Everything was a mess and she didn't know how to fix it like she usually did.

"Well, this is a fucking disaster." Trystan spoke out loud, reading everyone else in the room's thoughts. He crossed his arms with a sigh, looking around as he pursed his lips, waiting for a response. He knew he was stating the obvious - but he also knew that if he didn't begin the conversation nobody else would since neither Ren nor Charlie had said anything yet.

"No shit, Sherlock. Wanna say some other obvious shit or got something clever to say?" Jade said sarcastically, her icy cold eyes glaring up at the boy.

He rolled his eyes, leaning up from his bedroom wall. "Look, it was a sucky way to break the ice. But clearly none of you fucks were going to say anything, right?" He looked around the room, holding his hands out in defense. "So, is someone else going to say something, or are we going to keep being assholes to each other?"

Jade rolled her eyes, letting out a deep breath as she leaned back in the giant bean bag chair she was currently sitting in. She knew that the boy was right - it was a disaster and nobody was talking about it. That was the only way to break the ice between the group, really. So she couldn't really bash on him for speaking out on him, considering nobody else was planning on it.

"Why'd you take the photo, Jade?" Kiya quietly asked, glancing from her hands in her lap to the girl across the room.

"Did you not hear me when I was talking to Nadia? Because those two might not be ballsy enough to do something about it, but I am." Jade motioned to Charlie and Ren as she replied to the blue-haired girl.

Ren let out a frustrated sigh as he crossed his arms, standing still as he had been pacing only moments before. He stood directly next to Charlie, who was sitting on one of the other bean bag chairs Trystan had on the other side of his giant bedroom in the basement. She picked at her fingernails, her foot bouncing on the floor as she stared at the ground.

"But we don't even know if Nadia is the one who took the polaroids, Jade." Mikey shook his head lightly, his voice just as quiet as his girlfriend's was, as he knew that Jade had a temper and he didn't want to anger her more than she was already angered.

"Oh, come on you guys!" Jade exclaimed, sitting up straight in her spot. "Are you serious right now?!" She looked between everyone, "How is it not Nadia? It's so obvious, she has to know everything about everyone all the time. She's always vlogging something, whether it be her life or someone else's. She has to know everyone's secrets, wants to know the dirt about everyone. How is that not obvious to you guys?"

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