My God, You're Perfect.

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It's pitch black.

Beep. Beep. Beep.
These noises sound so familiar to me. I slowly open my eyes, fluttering them quite a bit, because it was a hassle to open them right away.
My vision is kind of blurry. I look around the room and notice I'm in the hospital.

I let out a sad sigh and realize that I had tried committing suicide, again.
My depression was back.
I look down to my arm, and see that there were bandages all over it.
"Damnit." I casually say under my breath.
Why couldn't they have let me died?

Then I realized. Who was "they"?
Who saved me this time around?

I hear a knock at the door, and then I heard it opening slowly.
The sound of footsteps are approaching me.
I slowly look, and standing there, were both,
Mitch and Aria.

With tears in her eyes, Aria ran up to me and hugged me tightly.
"Brandon, oh my god." She whispered through her painful sobs.
"I was so worried about you. After you stormed out on me, I had no idea where you were going. I tried calling you, but you never answered-"
I pick up my phone.

15 missed calls, "Aria."

"And that's when I began to panic more." She sniffed and sighed. "I figured you would go somewhere, where you felt safe, to someone who you always counted on," she paused for a bit, it seemed that she did not want to say Kara's name, but really, I knew that's who she meant.
"Kara... Then, I ran for my dear life to my car, only realizing you took it. So I told Mitch to take me, and we drove as fast as we could, from the distance of the entrance of the funeral homes to Kara's grave, I saw you sitting down, there. I was peaceful, but as Mitch and I got closer to you, I noticed the blood of pool surrounding you. And that's when I really began-"

I interrupted her.
"Are you trying to say you and Mitch were the ones who saved me?"
She nodded and looked at me innocently.
Just the thought of her and Mitch together disgusted me.
"So you two are together?"
I raised my voice, and Mitch looked over at me, and opened his big mouth.

"Dude, no. We are not together, we were only joking around. I have a girlfriend now."
I get pissed off. I feel the blood rushing to my head, and I feel my heart beat excellerating.
"So this is all a joke?"
Aria nods and Mitch nods as well.
"Get out."

Aria looks at me confused.
"Wait what?"
"You heard me, get. out." I point to the door, and I look over and see Aria tearing up.
"Brandon.. No please... I'm sorry."
"Listen, I don't really give a shit anymore. You and Mitch go have some fun pulling more jokes on other people. Now goodbye."
"Brandon..." Aria's voice cracks and I hear her sniffling.
Mitch begins to talk. "Oh c'mon du-"

"Mitch. Don't even try. I already said get out."
"Brandon, you're a douchebag. Let's go Aria."
Aria looks at Mitch, then at me.
I see the sadness in her eyes.

They begin walking towards to the door, and Aria turns to look at me, and god.
It kills me to hurt her.
But she hurt me first.
This is the only way I was satisfied, this is what I called revenge.

---a week passes---

One week.
Therapists have come in here and there, but they aren't the only ones.
Aria has been coming in, all week, everyday, coming back trying to apologize to me, but I don't allow it.
I simply kick her out.

Sure, I feel guilty. I didn't know what to do at this point. I kind of miss her, but... I don't know.
"Kara... Please help me... What should I do?"
Just then, I feel goosebumps all over my body, and I feel my body temperature drop.
I hear a very faint voice, sweet and mellow, a voice that always calms me down, and one that I loved hearing.

"Kara? Is that you?
I get no response,
I start sobbing, I can't believe I treated Aria like shit.
She has always been there for me, and now, I have done nothing but give her a fat load of guilt and hate.
I turn to grab my phone and immediately text her.

Text Message: To: Aria.
"Please come here."

I hit send, and lock my phone.
Bzz bzz!
I didn't bother checking what she said. It's Aria. I knew she would show up, she was that type of person. A well-hearted, lovely human being.
A human being that I fell in love with.
And I'm hoping she feels the same too, now that I have confessed my love, or rather crush, in front of her.

An hour passes by, and then, I hear a knock on my door.
"Come in."
I look over, and she slowly walks in.
Her brown hair covering some of her face, her eyes, puffy and red and filled with sadness and regret.
"Come here."
She walks over to me and I held my hand out for her to hold, and she did.
"Please explain, why you did that to me. Why you went along with Mitch's plan.."
She sighs and her body shakes a bit, resisting from the tears.

"I.. Just.. I didn't want to say no, I didn't want to be rude, I truly didn't. I didn't know he was going to do that, and I was surprised just as you were. I was shocked, and I didn't know what to say or do, and then you came and.. Well that happened.... But what surprised me the most"

I look at her, her cheeks were filled with a light pink blush.
"Was when you admitted to liking me... Because I have liked you for the longest too, and I just.."

I sit up and shut her up by kissing her lips.
She smiles and blushes heavily.

I slightly smile back at her.
My god, she's perfect.

hello my lovesss!!!!

from a sad beginning, to a happy ending.
I told you guys things would get better :)
my ship has finally sailed!!! Finally!!!
Btw, this book is ending soon! I think I might end it around chapter 16, or 17.
This is chapter 12. (I think.)
But don't worry, there will be a sequel, and I'm kinda excited of how im going to base it out of.

hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to vote, comment, like, (whatever you wanna do!!)
and follow for more content!!!
i will see all you guys later,

i love you all so much!!!!
take care <33333

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