Good Ol' England

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"When do we leave?"

"We'll have to go through the building. The roof is too hard unless we do a halo dive and a helicopter is out of the question," Nathan cowers at Oliver's words. What's wrong with him?

"Is that a problem?"

"Yes! I'm not one for halo dives,"

"How? We've done several since we became a team!" I exclaim. Nathan wearily smiles down at me. "I hide it well. Like your ADHD."

I can't argue with that. I do hide my ADHD very well. I doubt the team would know if I hadn't told them. Although Marinette or Alya could have slipped and let it out, I doubt that would have happened. We're great at keeping secrets.

Especially each others.

"A few of us can enter the building from the bottom," Nino says throwing out another option. "I'd say three or four of us could safely do that,"

"I'd be down with that,"

Nino nods.

We go over other options before agreeing on some do the dive and some scale the building. In addition to entering from the bottom. I immediately volunteer for the dive.

Nathan cringes at my enthusiasm.

"Nathan, hun. You know I'll be fine,"

"I know. It's the thought," Wow halo dives really have a grip on him. How did I not notice or know that?

"Alright. Suit up."

I am the night. I am darkness. I am BATMAN!

If only I had a cowl and cape. That would make the night.

Fox smiles. Ha. I'll be willing to bet she's thinking the same things as me.

I love the gothic feeling London gives off. Especially at night. It's beautiful. It holds a remarkable old feeling. It reminds me of Paris. Both are old cities and have similar yet distinct architecture.

It's a clear night. If we were a couple thousand feet lower we would spot Ladybug, Chat and Achilles, aka Lafayette scaling the east side of the radio station's building. Carapace, Capra, aka Oliver and Blue, opted to enter from the ground level.

Merle aka Caleb voted to fly the jet. He's to wait for us at the extraction point. In case things get hairy. Which they tend to do during rescue missions. Case in point, Cathleen Jacobson and Le Chien. Both ended with fights. 

"Everyone ready?" Viperion asks.

I nod and ready myself to jump. My ritual before halo dives is checking over my equipment. Twice, sometimes thrice. It depends on how I'm feeling. Mask, suit and parachute. My fingers fly through my ritual. The mask covering my face is secure, the suit is done up and the parachute is ready. Then I do it again.

Viperion holds up a hand. I watch his fingers countdown. At the go, I jump.

Wind rushes past me.

At the 3000 feet, we pull our parachutes. We direct ourselves towards the roof. Thankfully there are no storms. I'd rather not get struck by lightning. I saw that once in Mission Impossible: Fallout. Great movie. 

Bad thoughts followed the lightning dive.

"We're in. Heading up the stairs now," Carapace says. He told Ladybug she could command the mission. He was too excited to see Laff. I was too. Now I'm focused on the task ahead.

Thank you tunnel vision.

We land on the roof with no trouble. The whole building seems silent. Not a good sign. It's never a good sign when it's quiet. It could mean one of two things, wrong building or they are waiting for us in large clusters. I hate large clusters. They usually end badly.

The first thing we do is take off our masks. Thank god. I did mine up too tight. Wasn't comfortable. Never is. We quickly undo the buckles on our parachutes. I motion for Fox and Viperion to hand me their parachutes.

"Viperion. Get that door unlocked," Fox points at a door on the far side of the roof.

I stash the parachutes and masks behind the HVAC unit. When I'm done they have the door open. Fox has her pad and is looking for Queen Bee and Style Queen. "Ladybug we're in,"

"Head for the 40th floor. There in the main studio," Fox tells Ladybug. We head in, guns trained on the floor ahead. Viperion goes first, myself behind him and Fox behind me.

Viperion motions for us to stop. He points up to the ceiling. What does he want? He sighs and points at the tiles in the ceiling. Then he cups an ear. Oh! People are coming.

I motion for him to crouch down. He does as told and I climb him like a tree. Once in the ceiling I lean down and hoist Fox up. Together we lift Viperion. Due to being in the ceiling Viperion ends up really close to me. Nearly on top of me.

It wasn't easy hauling him up. He outweighs me by fifty pounds. It was his conscious decision to climb over me instead of to the side. Fox kicks me in the shin. Well isn't that a friendly sign that she sees this. Great. 

Fox replaces the tile and brings out her pad. On it, she types were only a few feet from the nearest stairwell. That's good. Very good. After a bit, she moves a tile and slips her head down to check if the coast is clear. She gives us the okay and we go back down. One by one. 

Over the coms, Ladybug says they made it to the 40th floor. "Carapace, Fox. Chat, Achilles and I are heading in. We'll try and find Queen Bee. Might not happen. Depending on how many there are,"

"Noted." Fox points us in the right direction. We make quick work of her directions. We make it to the stairwell without any interruptions. Thank god. 

"Got it." Carapace responds.

We meet up with Carapace, Capra and Blue, on the 40th floor, in the stairwell. We don't take the time to catch our breath. Who knows if Ladybug, Chat and Achilles have found trouble? We burst into the studio and begin taking down Style Queens minions.

As many as we can. 

There are so many. Why did Ladybug, Achilles and Blue take them on? They should have waited. I punch a guy in the face. He reels back, holding his nose. A smile makes its way onto my face. A few take a misstep when they see it.


I like creeping villains out. It bodes well for the work. 

"That felt good," 

Viperion gapes at me after punching a guy in the gut. His expression is too good. It's a challenge not to laugh. "Panther!"

"Sorry Viper, it's the truth," I leap at a guy and take him down. His head smacks off the ground with a sickening thud. 

Oh damn. He's going to wake up with a killer headache. I almost feel bad. Almost. Whelp onto the next guy. 

"You're just as bad as Capra,"

"Guilty as charged," Capra yells over his shoulder. A smile spreads across his lips too. Capra punches another man who gets too close to him. 

I'm glad he's like me. I strike a man over the head. He too crumples to the ground. The guy behind him comes in hot. I leap for him and use my momentum to take him down. His face meets my elbow and down he goes. Nap time bitch. 

Capra kicks a guy who gets too close to me. I do the same for him. A few guys take out guns but Ladybug shoots those out of their hands before they get to use them. They try to see where she came from. I suppose she's in the rafters. It's the most likely place. It's the easiest place for her to take aim from and the lights shining help hide her. Smart play Ladybug, smart play. 

A man yells out, find the sniper.

Fat chance they will find her. She's too good a hiding. Even I have a hard time finding her and I'm an assassin. I'm good at hiding too. Truth be told she's better. Viperion, Capra and I take down the men. I knock them unconscious by slamming them against the walls and floor.

One guy manages to escape Viperion, Capra and me. Chat launches himself at the man. They topple over and Chat knocks him unconscious. Several other men file in. Geez, how many minions does Style Queen have? Correction how many does Hawkmoth have?


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