Teaching & A Rescue

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"Hey! You! Get back here!" Charles yells as I make my way to the change room. Marinette and Alya stop with me. But I wave at them to continue. I'll be along shortly. I half turn to face Charles.

"What do you want?"

"Who are you?" Charles questions.

"My Name is Grey Panther," I respond before continuing to the change room. Inside take off my shirt and check my stitches. They are significantly less itchy. I can thank Spencer for that. But other than being pink they look good.

Marinette comes up behind me and pokes the stitches on my back. It's a smaller hole than on the front. She pats my shoulder. "Those look much better,"

"You can thank our resident helicopter mom,"

Marinette chuckles at my comparison. A fair one.

"I doubt your old boyfriend would care to be called helicopter mom," Alya smiles. She pulls her tank top over her chest. She works to wiggle it down to her waist.

"I do too but that is what he was for six weeks," I say grabbing my cropped black tank top. That is pulled on and the bra comes off. Better not to have to fiddle with it and risk dying. Underwear is good and so are the socks. Time for the suit.

My suit is comfy and breathable. Thanks to Spencer and his team of scientists. Hopefully, the next ones are bulletproof. That would be a step up. The one I have now is an old one and not as warm. My previous one has two bullet holes in them.

I wonder why? Oh yes, I was shot.

"Let's go." I grin, opening the door to the hanger.

"Ladies! The Headmaster has another surprise for your team," Lukas says, motioning us over to him and the boys. Well then.

Alya asks. "Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why is he giving us a surprise?"

Lukas herds us into an elevator and presses the button for Spencer's lab. "Just take the damn surprise."

Alya raises her hands in defence and some snickers can be heard behind me. I take a step into Chat's space and elbow him. "Sorry!"

"Oh for the last time I'm not gonna do the tango with Chat!" Carapace cries everyone's attention turns to him and Fox. That I'd pay to see. And good to know that is what they were talking about in the jet. "At least not right now,"

I look between Carapace and Chat. I burst into laughter. "Oh, I'd pay to see that,"

"I would too," Ladybug says her smile quickly becoming a grin.

Seconds later the elevator dings, for us to get out, once inside Spencer's Lab he hollers for us.

"I thought you wanted us to leave right away,"

"I have some things you need. I'm giving each of you a new suit," Oh, thank god. The suit I'm wearing is barely better than underwear. "The last team backed out and I need you guys to take their place,"


Maybe lead with the explanation. Then move on to the new suits.

"We had a team that was ready for another mission, a simple one at that and they each had a camera built into their suit. But at the last second, they said no to the cameras, so we need you guys to take that responsibility and show the sixth-year students how a real team works,"

"You want us to show sixth students how a team works," Carapace states. Spencer nods gesturing to a suit behind him. The only difference to the ones my teammates are wearing is the shinny black dot by the middle of the collar bone. "You do know one of us hasn't been around much in terms of missions,"

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