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"We need to talk," Nino grabs my upper arm and drags me into Spencer's meeting room. I let him. He needs to feel like he is in command. But he also needs to learn I'm not a loose canon. I had my orders. So did he. 

Spencer can clear things up. It's not my job to explain myself. It's up to my superiors to explain things to commanders. Not mine. 

"What were you doing when you left Adrien?" Nino asks I take a seat in one of the black spiny chairs. For the hell of it, I spin. Just once. Don't need Nino to go ham and attack me. Or get so annoyed that he has an aneurysm. 

"I can't tell you that,"

"You've got to be shitting me. Why can't you tell me?" He grabs at his short brown hair. 

"I was given my orders,"

Nino stares at me confused. "We were given the same orders, how did you hear leave chat and do fuck all?"

"No, no we weren't," His face goes from what the fuck to why are you so difficult. "We all heard Spencer tell us to go rescue Kim. What else could you have gotten out of that?"

"You'll have to ask Spencer for the details," Nino rolls his eyes and leans his head back to look at the ceiling tiles.

"Then tell me why you separated from Adrien?"

"I'm afraid I can't answer that either, but you can ask Spencer. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go nap," I say getting up and leaving a stunned Nino in the meeting room. 

Two minutes later, Alya falls into step with me. "Girl...What happened with Nino?" 

I roll my eyes at the thought of Nino's questions. Questions I answered if ever so cryptically. Nino was looking for more concrete answers but I don't have them. Spencer does. "He wanted to know why I left Adrien,"


"I told him to go ask Spencer,"

She laughs. Her smile makes an appearance. My lips tug into a grin. Ahead of us, a door opens. The man of the hour pops his head out. Alya becomes giddy. "Spencer!"

"Alya?" His head snaps in our direction and waves. Soon after spotting us, he steps into the middle of the hall. Alya sprints for the headmaster. She wants answers. She can try but I doubt she'll get concrete ones. Nino's ears only. And his decision to share. 

Alya gets right up in Spencer's face. How nice. "Why did Megan leave Adrien?"

"I gave her a separate mission on top of the original," Spencer states, walking away from us. Leaving Alya astonished. She stomps her foot and cries out.


Spencer doesn't respond. She growls. It's clear she's not happy with his short answer. I can only shake my head at her behaviour. She's always been like this. Knowing her she'll go digging for answers. Always has always will. Ever the sleuth. Once Marinette and I called her sherlock holmes. She took it as a compliment. 

Only Alya. 

"I'm going to visit Kim do you want to come with or are you going to go check on Nino?"

"I believe I am going to check on our severely wounded commander." She nods as if making herself believe her answer. She walks off leaving me by myself.

I give her back a curt wave. By now I've memorized the easy way to the medical bay. Many halls look like they lead to the same place. But of course, they don't. Learned that lesson the hard way. Ryan had to come looking for me. That's after I was thirty minutes late to class. Thankfully after spending over a decade in these halls you get used to them.

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