College AU (Haru)

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(Word count: 852)
Proofread: not yet (I'm lazy)
"Ugh what a mess." You thought as you walked in. Your boyfriend was a pig when it came to his dorm room, though it was from stress. You knew he was normally a neat freak who enjoyed cooking during his free time. However, with finals less than a month away, alas, not only was he under stress but so was his room. Wasting no time, you got to clean it, more like throwing out all the instant cup ramens.

"If he just didn't think it'd be so much of a burden, I'd make him meals if he'd let me!" you angrily thought to yourself. More out of concern rather than being upset at your boyfriend. He was after all studying to become a detective. You dreamily stare into the air, just imagining how picante Haru would look in his detective uniform. It's study and training intensive, so the least you could do was help him out.

In went the dirty clothes in the laundry basket, bed made with fresh new sheets, floor picked up of crumbled paper, and finally onto some well deserved rest. You threw yourself on his bed and relished in the feeling of the freshly made bed. You sighed, " I hope this much can help him. I love Haru so much and want him to succeed. I know he'd do the same for me. Wait, he does!" you twist and turn on his bed happily.

While playing on your phone you fell asleep, not hearing Haru enter the room. "I hate Professor Takei. My partner Kamei is annoying as well." Haru mumbles to himself, scratching his hair. He saw you sleeping on his bed when he turned around. A small smile formed in his lips. He sees you've tidied up his room, does he even deserve a girlfriend like (Y/N)? Yes.

Haru was tempted to climb into bed and just cuddle you, but he also had to do his partners part of the project. It was due in 2 days. He got to work so he could reward himself by joining you in bed.

You had come to visit him around later afternoon, once you woke up from your nap it was very well into the evening. Looking to your right, you saw Haru diligently tapping away on his laptop. Wanting to surprise him, you stealthily got off the bed and went towards him with your hands out. You can see he's also writing notes and mumbling to himself in an angry manner.

"Fucking Kamei. Daisuke's a better partner than that colorful pastel circus freak. He at least does his goddamn part."

You fought the urge to laugh at your boyfriend's unfortunate predicament. Closing your eyes and opening them again, you prepared yourself. 'Maybe he'll feel a little better after a fun scare.' you thought to yourself.

"GIVE ME YOUR LAPTOP NOW!!" you attempted to do your deepest voice and threaten him.

Haru let out the most highest shriek you've ever heard him do. On reflex you turned out and quickly smacked your head.

"Owwie.." you rubbed your head. Guess you deserved that one for disturbing him so deep in thought. Plus, training was doing him goood.

Haru gasped, "I'm so sorry are you okay, (Y/N)!?" he got up to inspect your head. "I swear you pulled that off so well!"

"Neh, it's fine. I shouldn't have snuck up on you like that." you laughed. He quickly pulled you into a hug and apologized in your ear again. "I'm sorry." Haru whispered. "I told you, it's fine." You whispered back.

You felt wet down there. You pulled back and looked down. "Huh?" You have faint wet spots around your lower abdomen. Haru looks down with you. "Huh? HUH?" he started to scream.

"I love you sweetie, but, ew." you quickly withdrew from his arms.

You both stared at Haru's crotch. He hadn't noticed that when you scared him, he peed himself.

"DON'T LOOK!!" Haru dashed into the bathroom.

You died from laughter and fell on the floor. Thank god you cleaned the floor. "DON'T LAUGH!" you hear Haru shout from the bathroom.

You're now snorting and clapping like a seal. Oh yea, you can get used to this. It felt domestic. Real love to be able to laugh at this rather than feel disgust and make fun of him. You don't mind the pee stains on your clothes, though it is rather still disgusting.

You walked up to his door, "Open up! I need to wash up too! I was a victim too!" you chuckled.

Haru opened the door with a blush on his face to let you in. You laughed yet again and gave him a kiss on his lips.

"I love you, you big bear." Haru smiles against your lips, "I love you too, darling." You two just relished in the moment.

"Now to get out of these Haru infected clothes!!" you started to take off your clothes to hop into the shower.

Haru chuckled to himself, truly grateful for finding someone such as you.

"For real get in here. It's starting to smell like you pee." you ordered.

"Yes my love!"

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