13. eden is afraid because she's dead

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When Eden opened her eyes, she was laying on the floor. She felt nothing, she thought nothing, and she was nothing. 

"I'm dead" she thought. 

"No, not dead. Not permanently," a voice drawled. "rise." 

Eden stood up and surveyed her surroundings. She was in a room made of gold and silver, with jewels embedded in the walls. Sat in front of her was a large onyx throne decorated with skulls. Sitting in it was a tall, muscular man with skin was white as snow. His black eyes seemed to dig into my soul. The only trait shared between the two was wavy dark brown hair. 

This was her father. She didn't know what to do, so she kneeled. 

"I said, RISE!" Her father boomed, and so she did. "We don't have long. Do you know why you are here."

"No, father." Eden said. 

"You are here because you are foolish. You used harnessed too much power without know how to use it."

Eden bowed her head. 

"Alas, it was fated. You and Queen Hera killed those monsters together." For a moment, the Lord of the Dead sounded proud. It vanished within seconds. "Work on gathering the shadows and using them. Do not fail me." 

Hades tapped slammed a staff that he had not been holding previously on the ground and her vision blurred. 

"Eden, wake up." The words of power resonated through her mind, kick starting the systems. She sat up quickly and nearly slammed her head into Leo's, who was leaning over her and grasping her hand tightly. Beside her, Piper was wiping her tears and rushed in for a hug. 

"Oh!" Eden gasped at the tight hug. She patted Piper's back awkwardly. 

Thalia gripped her brother's hand. "How do you feel?"

"Hot," Jason muttered. "Mouth is dry. And I saw something...really terrible."

"That was Hera," Thalia grumbled. "Her Majesty, the Loose Cannon."

"That's it, Thalia Grace," said the goddess. "I will turn you into an aardvark, so help me—"

"Stop it, you two," Piper said. Amazingly, they both shut up. 

"What happened?" Eden asked as she chewed on the final piece of ambrosia. 

"Eden, you were so cool! You were shaking and stuff, and all this black smoke was spiraling around you until you couldn't even see you anymore. I closed my eyes after that because of Hera, but I heard you yell really loud." Leo gushed. 

"You fulfilled the prophecy. By harnessing the shadows, you unleashed death on the army. I chose you well, my hero. Be careful to never do it again, though, because it will cost you." Hera nodded her head at Leo and Eden's still clasped hands. 

afraid ツ l. valdezWhere stories live. Discover now