Four Kingz I

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Lucas has added MC Whore🧟‍♂️, AC Massacre🔪,  and Nicholas Iraine to a group chat

Nicholas Iraine has changed the name of the group chat to Four Kingz👑

MC Whore🧟‍♂️
Four Kingz?
According to whom?
Also, may I ask about who AC Massacre is?

MC Whore🧟‍♂️ has renamed Lucas  to Enderman🌑

MC Whore🧟‍♂️
Lucas, you ass, did you
seriously name me MC whore?

Isn't it true?
You're too obsessed with Minecraft
What did you want me to name you?
White dog? No-life blondie?

AC Massacre🔪
I am Nathaniel of Marquis House

MC Whore🧟‍♂️
My name would've been nice
Hell, you called me bob the builder
I would prefer that😡

It's too boring
You're boring enough as is

Nicholas Iraine
A pleasure to see you here,
Also, why am I the only one
without a nickname

Well we don't really know you
What games do you play

MC Whore🧟‍♂️

Nicholas IraineI like open world gamesSo far, I really love Breath ofThe Wild and Fortnite

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Nicholas Iraine
I like open world games
So far, I really love Breath of
The Wild and Fortnite

AC Massacre🔪
Oh god

AC Massacre🔪Oh god

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