Chapter 14 - public attention

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Sana's pov
I got home safely I hope taehyung did too, I went to the bathroom to take a shower and to change since I'm still wet after playing in the water.

After taking a shower and changing my clothes I started to dry my hair with a towel.

My phone then rang from the living room, I ran to the living room and answered the call.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Sana! Are you and taehyung dating!?" I heard momo, she seems excited.

"" I answered.

"Yah! How can you lie to your best friend, you and taehyung at the café went viral! There is a video of you and him!" She said my eyes widen.

"Send me the link!" I said hurriedly.

"Wait," she said as she hung up the phone, I then received a message from momo, she sends the link, I then watched the video.

The video was when taehyung asked everyone to stop talking and taking pictures and videos of us, at one part he said I'm his girlfriend.

I then called momo again.

"Yah! This is a misunderstanding!" I said panicking to momo.

" should be happy, he is now proud of you," she said, well, she's half right but, we aren't DATING!

"But we aren't back together!" I said in a hurry.

"So he just said that?" she asked confused.

"Yes! Ugh!! I think I'm gonna die from embarrassment" I said face palming myself.

"That's crazy!" momo said.

"Yeah, I know!" I said.

"Ugh! I don't wanna go to work anymore, or outside!!" I said she then chuckled.

"You'll be fine, goodnight then, it's now 11 pm" She said.

"Good night," I said.

"Night!" she said before hanging up, I then sat down on the couch thinking what should I do now.

"UGH! WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW!!" I said stressed, my phone buzz knowing I received a message, it's probably momo who forgot to tell something, I check my phone and it's Taehyung.

Taehyung sent a message

I opened the message and I read it

'Good night Luv :)'

I closed my phone and I covered my face with my hands and screamed silently since the neighbors might complain.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME KIM TAEHYUNG!!" I screamed while covering my face.

In the end I got some sleep, good thing my brain let me sleep and it didn't did the stupid flashback it always does.

My alarm rang and I closed it, I sat up and look to the widow, right, I have work.

"I don't wanna go!" I whined as I cupped my face with both of my hands pouting.

I then heard my phone buzzed, I grab my phone and taehyung send me a message.

'Morning Luv, you awake? I'll be waiting in the office'

"Ugh... I don't wanna go, everyone will tease me" I said as I closed my phone, I stood up and went to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth.

I just went and grab whatever I can find to wear.

I walk out of the house and I went to a store to buy some coffee

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I walk out of the house and I went to a store to buy some coffee.

I opened the door and it made a bell sound, the people inside looked at me.

'Isn't that the girl with Kim taehyung?'
'it's the girl from the news with the famous CEO'
'what is she doing here?'
'is she with taehyung?'

I heard everyone talking about me, this is awkward, I just made my way to where I can get the coffee, I took one and paid for it.

"Oh hello miss, your the girl from the news, why are you here, shouldn't you buy coffee to some expensive stores?" the cashier said.

"Um...I prefer getting coffee here" I answered.

"That must've been one of taehyung's favorite side of you," the cashier said.

"I guess you love him, you don't want his money like any other girls" the cashier continued, well that's true but talking about this topic makes me embarrassed.

"Here is it. thank you for coming here ms" the cashier said.

"Thanks," I said before taking my coffee and walking out of the door, I then processed on walking to the office.

I walked inside the office and I saw my co-workers looking at me.

'Mrs. Kim arrived' they tease me, this is awkward, I just went up to taehyung's office.

I opened the door and saw taehyung holding another bouquet of roses.

"Morning" he greeted me with a smile as he gave me the roses.

"You don't have to do this," I said.

"Is everything alright?" he asked me.

"It's kinda awkward on going out now, everyone knows me now," I said.

"Don't think of it too much" he said.

"Why did you ignore my texts?" he asked again.

"I don't know what to reply" I responded.

"Well, let's just seat," he said, I nodded and we started doing our works.

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