Nobunaga x Shy!reader

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(I know this is probably like a bad picture of Nobunaga but please work with me here 😭)

"Y/n do u think u can take this plate to Nobunga please" says Pakunoda.

"S-s-sure"you said as you grabbed the plate...'in all honesty I'm really shy sometimes Nobunaga scares me a little but I rlly rlly like him' you thought.

You walked to the training area (hehe lets jus imagine they have one 😗) where Nobunaga and Feitan were training.

"Uhm No-Nobunaga here's your plate" you said a while looking down at the food. You heard footsteps coming your way only to see Nobunaga's hand glide over yours as he took his plate.

"Thank you Y/n"Nobunaga said as he patted your head Nd kissed your forehead.

(The others see you as a shy little baby but hey what can I say you are a cute little bean 😌)

You started to blush from the kiss making you cover your face Nd run out the training room (you sure do make it obvious 😗)

Nobunaga's P.O.V

"Hmmm did I do something wrong"I asked Feitan

"No I think it's the the fact that u kissed her on her forehead she was blushing"says Feitan

"Blushing you say heheh I'll confront her about it later on"

Your P.O.V

PAKUNODA"You said panicking

"Hmmm what happened"says Pakunoda

"H-h-he kissed my forehead does he know I hope he doesn't b-but I think I made it obvious when I ran out the training room what do I do"you said not knowing that a certain person heard you (hehe)

To be continued but no seriously there's gonna be a part 2 (slight lemon perhaps)

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