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"Chin up... now a little towards me... stop right there!" the photographer yelled out. "Big smile!" He quickly snapped a few more pictures. "Perfetto! Alright everyone, let's break for the next set!"

Adrien Agreste sighed and made his way to the changing tents. At the rate they were going, this photoshoot would take the rest of the day.

Being the face of the Gabriel Agreste brand, he was used to these shoots. But this one happened to coincide with his best friend Nino's party. A party he had desperately wanted to attend. All his classmates and friends were there, and he was missing it.

Once changed into the next outfit, Adrien sat down and watched as the crew assembled the new set.

They had an area at the base of the Eiffle Tower sectioned off for the photoshoot. Adrien's eyes drifted to the people walking around the park. Couples were walking hand-in-hand, parents were chasing their kids around, friends were hanging out with other friends. And there he was, stuck working.

Bored out of his mind, Adrien took out his phone and called Nino.

"Hey dude!" Nino said, picking up on the third ring. "How's the shoot going?"

Adrien could hear the noise from the party in the background. "It's taking forever and we're no where close to being done" he replied.

"That sucks man."

"I'm sorry I'm missing the party. You know that I'd rather be there, right?"

"Yeah I know" Nino said. "Don't worry about it. I just feel bad that you're..." he trailed off.

Adrien could hear Alya talking to him in the background.

After a couple of muffled words, Nino came back onto the line. "Sorry dude but I need to go. I'll try to call you later."

"Later" Adrien replied before disconnecting. He sunk back in his seat. Now he didn't even have anyone to talk to.

He thought about calling Kagami since she most likely wasn't at the party, but then decided against it. After all, it's a little weird to call up your ex-girlfriend just to chat.

Opening up Instagram, he absent-mindedly scrolled through his feed for a couple of minutes. Suddenly a FaceTime request popped up.

A big smile instantly appeared on his face when he saw who was calling.

"Hey Marinette" he said excitedly when he answered.

"Hey Adrien" the beautiful blunette in pigtails replied. "I heard you're trapped at a photoshoot."

He put his hand up to the back of his neck. "Yeah, unfortunately I am" he chuckled.

"That's too bad. Do you think you'll be done in time to catch the end of the party?"

"I doubt it. We still have a few more sets to get through."

"Well if you have some time now, why don't I bring my phone around to everyone here so they can say hi?" Marinette offered.

"That'd be great" he replied, smiling brightly.

"Alright, well Luka's here" she said, turning the phone so Adrien could see him on the screen.

Of course Luka was there. He was always hanging over Marinette every chance he got.

He and Luka used to be friends. Well, they still were, but ever since Luka started dating Marinette there was something that bothered Adrien about him. He couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Adrien gave a quick wave before Marinette turned the screen back. "Let me give the phone to Alya, I know she wants to talk to you."

Adrien watched as she got up and walked across the room.

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