Summer to Present Day

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Well, summer came and you were nowhere to be found. You didnt tell anyone what we did but, I know to you it was just a secret victory. "We just went to the gym," is what you told all who asked. Most believed the story beside the ones who rode your bus. Those last two days of school were painful. Walking past you in the hallway without so much as a passing glance. The first two weeks of my summer were hard. But this summer was still the best one ever without you. You texted me that night, asking if I got home safely. That was all. I found summer love that was not you. A rebound but it was the kind that lasts the summer months and plummets when school starts. It was enough to take my mind off of you. I spent it with female friends and emotionally I was destroyed. I had pointless sex during the summer again, it was starting not to become a big deal. Just drugs and sex in a rotation. I hated myself but a smile hides a lot. Ice cream. Long hot summer walks and not a single word from you. This summer we were supposed to runaway together. But, thats not how things played out. You played with my heart and I let you. But no matter how much wrong you do me, I still want you in a lot of ways. All summer you were in the back of my mind. You are forever stored there, my first love. The first person to know me entirely. Mind, body, and spirit. And now once I think I can move along with life.. its 2:30AM and I get a text that reads

"I want you right now."

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