Mirror Mirror

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           Mirror, tell me something
    Tell me who's the loneliest of all?

          Mirror, tell me something
     Tell me who's the loneliest of all?
         Mirror, what's inside of me?
    Tell me can a heart be turned to

    Mirror, mirror, what's behind

   Save me from the things I've seen!
        I can keep it from the world  Why won't you let me hide from

Mirror, mirror, tell me something
        Who's the loneliest of all?


"-ax.  Maaaaax, hey? Can you hear me?"

Teal eyes locked onto blue one as Max returned to the world of the living in a groggy haze. He still hurt all over his body but nothing hurt worse than his wrists. Serves him right for being so useless, or at least that's what he told himself as he bit back a whimper as he pushed himself up on his bed. "Neil, it's too fucking early for you to be waking me up for one of your nerd experiments..."

"Actually it's two in the afternoon."

"What?!" The ten year old was wide awake now as he pulled David's phone out from under his pillow and looked at the time. He'd slept in for this long? Why hadn't David or someone else woken him up?

"You looked really tired so David just told us to leave you alone and let you wake up on your own. Still look like shit though, even with the extra Z's."

"Not so hot yourself, Kosher-boy."

"Wow, someone hasn't had his peace pipe today."

"Wrong Indians, Neil, wrong Indians.", he said in snide fashion as he got off his bed and headed towards his coffeemaker. If there was one thing that was going to make this day better, it was going to be coffee. Oh who the hell was he kidding, nothing was going to make this shit better.

"Jeez, did you roll around in mud or something?"

"Do I look like Nikki to you?", he asked without turning around.

"No, but your hoodie does. You got mud or dirt all over one of your sleeves."

Max stopped in his tracks and checked himself. One of his sleeves had been stained with something brown but we all know what it really was. He swallowed the lump in his throat and continued to fix his dark drink before grabbing his spare hoodie and a change of clothes from his belongings and rushed out of the tent before Neil could see anything else. Max liked the guy and all but sometimes he was too perceptive for his own good and if anyone was going to figure out his secret, it would be him.

And he was right, because Neil was growing more and more curious by the second and it was all thanks to the  dried blood that had also stained his bed.

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! STUPID!! Now that asshole's sure to figure everything out you fucking dumbass!!" Max slid down one of the walls of the shower to nurse the growing headache he'd given himself by repeatedly slamming his head on the hard surface. Pain aside, Max really didn't care about anything else right now besides what Neil's next move would be if he pieced everything together. Worst case scenario would be him telling David and Gwen, but he couldn't deny how horrible it would be if he told Nikki instead. Nikki was good friend and an even more loyal hound, so he could only imagine the amount of wrath he would incur if she found out about his  "habit". Still though, he'd be lying if he said he didn't feel some semblance of joy in knowing that she'd be mad about it, even if he didn't deserve it.

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