Out of My League

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The ride to the Maheswaran residence went by a lot faster than Max would've liked, but at least he didn't have to make small talk with Persephone on the way since David had gotten him some ear buds to go with his new phone. He hated the fact that the man had spent so much money on him when he didn't even have custody of him yet, but he had to  admit that it felt good to have it since be could remain in constant contact with them. Damn, now he wished he didn't throw away that paper with Nikki and Neil's contact information on it. Oh well, he'd see them next year at camp and boy would he have some explaining to do.

"We're here.", she said as she put the car in park and unbuckled her seatbelt. Max looked at the house he was now front of and allowed himself to be in awe when he saw how big it was. Dr. Maheswaran and who was presumed to be her husband stood on the porch of their home with smiles on their face as Persephone walked towards them with Max's belongings. He guessed it was showtime then and opened the door to get out.

"You remember your doctor right, Priyanka Maheswaran? This is her husband Doug. Doug, this is Maxwell Shah."

"Pleasure to meet you, kiddo!"


"Doug here is a police officer, so you might be able to ride around in a real police car. Maybe with the siren on, doesn't that sound fun?"

Max's plain expression never wavered as he stared at Persephone like she was a deer in headlights. The awkward silence wasn't to last though since it was soon replaced with adults talking amongst themselves. Max tuned that out with the playlist he'd been creating on the road.

Eventually it was time for Persephone to leave, and that's when Max's anxiety returned as he watched the woman get into her car and drive off without a care in the world. Doug and Priyanka shared a look and motioned for Max to follow them inside, to which he did but at a reluctant pace.

Their house was nice and featured a huge living room with a large flat screen TV mounted on one of the walls that Doug obviously used when he had friends over to watch the game or something. Max would not be in the house for that. Priyanka led him into the kitchen where he sat down at the table and was presented with a steaming mug of coffee that had him confused.

"Your counselors informed me that you have a bit of a coffee addiction. I don't really approve of that given your age and stature, but my husband has...convinced me to let you have this niche. It's decaffeinated though, and you won't be having it everyday."

Decaf?! Had this bitch lost her fucking mind?! His feelings aside, Max thanked them both for the drink since  he knew that they didn't have to do anything to make him feel comfortable but did anyway. The coffee was gone in seconds and didn't taste as bad as he thought it would, but was disappointed when he didn't feel the boost of energy he normally did when he drank REGULAR coffee,  but again he chose to say nothing.

"So...you guys have a kid?"

"Indeed, a daughter."

"Her name is Connie, you'll be meeting her a little later after you get settled in. I think you will really hit it off since you're close in age."

"Doubt it, people my age normally don't like me. Dont really give a shit though."

"Language, Maxwell. Please."

"My bad, and it's just Max."

"That's alright, Max. We'll all go over the rules of the house later on when Connie's back. For now, why don't I show you your room while my wife makes us a light lunch?"

"Sure." Max got up and placed his dish in the sink before following Doug out of the kitchen and up the stairs. There were three rooms on the second floor along with a bathroom that would be used by the two children since the adults had their own in the master bedroom. Max's room was at the end of the hall and across from a door that he could only assume was Connie's. The room was simple but well furnished with a full-sized bed, a nightstand, a closet, a TV, a chifforobe, and a small desk with a computer chair. It was more than anything he'd ever been given.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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