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Close your eyes now, time for dreams.
Death is never what it seems.
Did the things you thought you should,
All the things they said were good.

All your faith in ancient ways,
Leaves you trapped inside a maze.
Take the lives of those you need,
Sow the death and reap the seed.
Reap the seed.

Born an angel, heaven sent.
Falls from grace are never elegant.
Stars will drop out of the sky,
The moon will sadly watch the roses die.

"I want to get the fuck out of here." It hadn't taken long for Max's inductance to come back, and when it did it annoyed the hell out of Gwen.

"Tough titty then you brat, we wouldn't be here if you hadn't done something stupid!"

"And here we go again, now I really want to kill myself!"

"Try it again and I'll break your fucking arms myself!!"

"Do it, bitch!! I still got legs, I'll walk straight into traffic!"

"Guys, please, watch the language while we're in the hospital. And, Max, I get that you're restless but you have to understand why you can't leave just yet. You really hurt yourself and we just want to make sure you're okay."

"I know, it's just...nothing. I'm tired, so  keep it down."

"...Okay, Max."

The two adults watched as Max pulled David's phone from underneath his pillow and put his ear buds in to lull himself to sleep. Normally he would've asked them both to fuck off, but since the incident he'd been rather clingy and refused to sleep if no one was in the room with him. David thought it was cute, but Gwen she thought it was sad. The whole situation was sad, a fucking ten year old and tried to end his life with pills he acquired from God only knows where. The doctor had made sure to let them know how lucky they were to still have Max with them since the amount he'd ingested would've killed them had they wasted anymore time. Now came the hard part: social services.

A few officers and a social worker had come once they heard about the incident and were currently trying to get in contact with Max's parents to but to no avail. Because of this, David and Gwen were currently still his acting guardians, which meant that they were able to stay with him as long as they wanted while he was in the hospital, but that was coming to an end soon. Max would be discharged soon and would have to go to foster care, something they both didn't want.

"You know, when he sleeps he almost looks innocent."

"He is innocent, Gwen. His attitude is just a product of his environment."

"Yeah but I like to think that even without the neglect he'd still be a bit of a spitfire."

"Fair enough."



"What are we gonna to do?"


"Max of course! You heard what they said, once he's okay to leave here he'll be gone off to foster care and we may never see him again. He's been through enough."

"I know what you mean, but it's not up to us. I mean I'd love to adopt him and all, but I don't think he'd want that. There's already so many choices being made for him and I don't want this to be one of them."

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