The Desert

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Toph shook her head moaning slightly as the shocked Aang recoiled backwards. "Aang..." Katara whispered. Sage looked up slowly as she clutched her right rib coughing hoarsely. "Really Toph?!" Said the airbender, tears running down his cheeks. "I'm sorry." She said looking down. "No you're not! You don't like him, you-you wanted him gone!" Aang exclaimed, throwing his staff during the process. "Avatar Aang, do not let your anger get the better of you." Iroh tried, making a movement with his hands, signaling him to calm down. "How are we supposed to get to Ba Sing Se now?" Zuko said looking out to the cliff. "See! That's all you guys care about! How we're going to travel, none of you care what's going on with Appa!" Aang screeched. Zuko turned his head to face him snarling slightly. "Aang, we're all concerned about his well being, but Toph was trying to save us too." Katara asserted. Aang growled and muttered softly "I'm going after him." He flew off on his staff. They all looked less than pleased at his action as Sage placed a comforting hand on Toph's shoulder. 


"Hey." A raspy voice said. Blue-eyes moved slowly to watch it's owner. "Hi." Katara whispered, hugging her knees closer to her chest. Zuko smiled adoringly as he sat down next to her. They leaned on some cliffside they had found watching Sage attempt to calm the crazied Sokka from stabbing a little saber-tooth rabbit, Iroh trying to find one plant other than cacti to make tea, and Toph, who had wondered off into her own world, seeking dignity. "Is it crazy that I love my brother?" Katara asked leaning towards Zuko's left shoulder as a bubble of laughter escaped her. "It's not cause I love my sister." Zuko replied. Katara hummed in agreement "Can you tell me your family history?" Katara suddenly asked. Zuko's shoulders tensed at this action causing Katara to instantly regret her question. "You don't have t-" Katara started. "I was 1 year young when my mother told me she was having Azula. Lu Ten was 6 at the time explaining to me every bit of the labeled pregnancy from the amount and to the gender. I was so naive to think that if I was an older brother, my father would seek his love for me. As soon as Azula was born, some abuse started. Physical abuse. He would kick me whenever I would try to get near him, punch me whenever I would make one mistake, and I would take it. I took all of it even if I was only two years old." At this rate Zuko's voice broke, Katara was already crying as she gripped her stomach with her fingers, trying so hard not to let a sob escape. 

"Fast forward to when I was 9, Lu Ten was 14 mostly at firebending classes, prince training, and tutoring so I barely got to see him. Azula was 8, soon leaving for boarding school, she had already started advanced bending while I could only ignite one spark. It was then at the dinner table my mother announced she was pregnant once more. My father was already boasting about how three heirs are better than one, trying too hard to steal the throne. He had gone too far as he mentioned the death of my Aunt Nya who had suffered a deep illness that had taken her life. I spoke against him but he had more power than a 9 year old and said 'Azula was born lucky, you were lucky too be born.' That had stunned everyone in the table as well as servents who came to collect the food. My grandfather actually had a love for me. Surprised he did as he yelled across the table at my father, mother had broken down in tears due to hormones, Azula smirked at my side, as Lu Ten chocked on his water and uncle glared at father. I dismissed myself silently and walked out the room until I got to the hall and sprinted off to my room. I cried and cried, never stopped until there was a knock at my door. I looked up from my pillow and there Fire Lord Azulon walked in, chuckling softly as Lu Ten pushed through the door. My eyes red and puffy, squinted and saw uncle and mom join the group. I ran to mom as she hugged me tightly,  I don't remember it from there, but I do remember waking up in another bed. Our family physician looking over me and and uncle explaining to me I had lost 4 fluids due to the crying and had been asleep for 9 and a half months. I heard crying from the other room and uncle helped me up." Zuko continued with an emotionless face. "Sage..." Katara whispered. Zuko only nodded and continued "When I walked in my mom was so pale and all I saw was a light-skinned baby, cooing to mom as dad watched her features slowly. Heh. We were all surprised when she opened her eyes. All that came out from the doctor's mouth was 'The Eyes Of Ta Min'. Sage grew to only three months old when my mother had decided to leave the week before my birthday, and the day before my grandfather died." Zuko took a deep breath and felt Katara shaking beside him. He wrapped an arm around her as she sobbed quietly. "When I started to bend I thought it'd be a great idea to fight an agni kai. I ended up burning my eye near to blindness. I-I don't think I want to continue..."Zuko whispered, closing his eyes shut as tears escaped from his eyes. "I don't think I want you to." Katara's voice cracked. 

Might never continue this :').


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