Moving Day.

516 13 28

Shuichi sits in the passenger seat of the car, thinking of all that can and will go wrong.
"Shuichi, It's almost 11 and I gotta get to work" His uncle sighs, "I assure you, you'll be fine. You'll get nice high-rank dormmate, and hopefully get along with them" He smiles at the boy

"I guess..." Shuichi gets out of the car, opening the door to the backseat and getting his suitcase and backpack. Proceeding to say his goodbye's to his uncle, walking into the building.

"Shuichi!!" Sayaka runs up and hugs him tighly. Sayaka Maizono was Shuichi's step-sister, after his dad re-married and left his mom, then moving out and leaving Shuichi with his uncle. When Sayaka found out that Shuichi was her step-brother, she reached out to him and they spent time together every now and again.

"O-oh, hi Sayaka" Shuichi hugs her back a little, before letting go of the hug.

"Do you want help with that? I can help you find your dorm and classes if you need!" She smiles enthusiastically, gesturing to Shuichi's bags.

"I-I think I should be fine..? W-where do I get my schedule a-and dorm-room key thing?" Shuichi put his free hand behind his neck, trying not to stutter and looking dissapointed at himself when he did.

The shorter girl nodded excitedly, grabbing his arm and leading him to the front desk.
"Hiya!" The girl at the desk greeted them happily, she was wearing a light pink shirt over the top of a white dress shirt, her dark brown ponytail sticking up.

"H-hi, I-I'm Shuichi Saihara and I kinda n-need my dorm key and schedule?" Shuichi states awkwardly

"Can I see some ID please? Aaanyone could come in here and steal someone's stuff!" She tilts her head, still smiling

Shuichi gets his drivers licence out of his pocket and hands it to the girl, she examines it as if she was working in ther forensics department on a police case, she nods and hands him his ID back
"Not forged or fake! I'll go get your things!" She gets out of her chair and goes over to a large cabinet and grabs out a card, a key and a piece of paper, walking back and handing it to Shuichi

"T-thank you.." He took the items, folding the paper up and putting it in his pocket with the school ID card and set of keys, the girl waves to the two as they walk away

"Soo! What room did you get?" Sayaka questions him

"Uhh.." He looked at the key, "429- Do you know where t-that is..?"

"Oh.. You're with him." Sayaka's expression changes a little, "Well he is nice, depending on stuff..."

"W-who are you t-talking about?" Shuichi asked, Sayaka just shook her head as to dismiss the topic

"Say-AAA-KAAAAAAA" Someone yells down the hall, running towards the two blueberry headed figures.

"Hm? Oh! Hello Ibuki, are we practicing already..?" She seemed shocked, she was so excited about getting Shuichi settled in that she'd forgot about the band, "I'm really sorry Shu--"

"I-it's okay" He smiles, "I'll find my way a-around, g-go practice! I'm sure people wouldn't want you losing your rank.." He looked away, hoping that Sayaka's family wasn't as hard on her about ranks as his Uncls was.

She hugged him for a few seconds, then moved back
"Stay safe, if you need to take your meds, okay??"

"M-mhm! Y-you sound like my.. what my mom would've probably been like" he smiled a little, despite being extreamly nervous and worried underneath it all.

He wasn't living with his uncle for now, so that was good, but he knew the school would notify him if he was late to a class or failed a test, and more importantly if his rank went down...
Shuichi walks up the many flights of stairs, becoming more tired with every step
"419.. 421.. 423.. 425.. 427- Finally... 429" Shuichi sighs, almost collapsing at the door

"Nishishishi~! Can I help you?" A short purple-haired boy askes Shuichi

"Ah, I-I'm al-- Oh- Sorry, this i-is my room--" Shuichi leaned against the door, "T-the stairs w-were just t-t-tiring to wa-walk up.." Shuichi looked at the boy, he was a fair bit shorter than his with dark black-y purple hair, more highlighted at the tips, his eyes were a beautiful shade of purple and he was wearing a baggy black and white checkered hoodie under suspenders and shorts, he was wearing sneakers too. He had bandaids on his face and legs aswell.

Shuichi began to stare, not noticing that he'd lost focus on what he was saying and doing.

"Nee-heehee! I'm a low rank, what did you expect? Some fancy high-rank like you? " Kokichi giggles, putting his boxes down inside and facing the taller boy.

"A.. low rank?" Shuichi questiones; He was put in a dorm with a low rank? Were people going to take this the wrong way? Was he becoming a low rank aswell?? No! He was the 2nd highest rank in the country! That couldn't be it... It must've been a mistake. What would happen when his Uncle found out?!

"You can hit me if you want, if you're that classy to need permission." The boy chuckles a little, "Are you gonna just stand at the door?"

"H-h-hit y-you?!" Shuichi almost yells in shock, walking into the room with his suitcase and putting it down.

"Nishishi! I aaaam a low rank! Somewhere in the seven-thousandsss" He brags, grinning at the taller boy

"I'm not g-g-goimg to h-hit you..." Shuichi mutters, "E-even if y-y-you're a low r-rank, you sh-shouldn't be treated like that..."

The bandaid covered boy stopped dead in his tracks, that was the first time anyone had said something like that to him
"That's a first!"

"I think that ranks sh-shouldn't define a p-person.." Shuichi starts saying, when his unknown roommate interrupts him

"Which side are you on?"

"H-huh..?! W-what do y-you mean-"

"Which side of the room ?I can take the smaller side if you want, I'm used to it! Nishishishi~!" The smaller boy chuckles a little bit, starting to unpack his things; Some clothes, a plushie, a few books, a pencilscase, hairbrush and a small backpack.

"I'm Kokichi Ouma, horrible meeting you, Mr. High Rank."

"Saihara- I'm Shuichi Saihara.." Shuichi puts his suitcase next to the unoccupied bed and sits down, Kokichi's eyes widened a bit when he realized who Shuichi was.

"I should probably g--" Kokichi's sentance was interrupted by a loud banging on the door

"SHUICHI? YOU IN THERE?" The voice yells, Shuichi sighed, he knew exactly who it was

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