Chapter 11

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Niji sat in the couch near the window, and also in front of Eklaire's desk. His arms were crossed against his chest and one of his leg was over the other. The bored look was plastered clearly on his face as he stared intensely to Eklaire through his goggles.


The whole laboratory was silent. It was spacious, since Eklaire has yet to start her work and the machines has yet to be assigned of their purpose.

Eklaire sat on her chair, her hand holding an ink pen, writing various codes that only she could understand. She was trying to focus so much, because the intense stare was starting to get into her nerves.

At first, she and Niji was throwing back insults towards each other, until she said she had work to write, way more important that bickering with him. After that, Niji surprisingly shut up and Instead, sat there silently and start staring at her intensely.

She tried to ignore it, but as the time passed by, the stare just intensify that she can no longer continue her work.

Through the shadow under her cloak, she look up at Niji with unamused glare.

"Could you stop that?" She asked boredly, but her words were serious.

Niji raised his eyebrow, "What?"

Seeing that he was pretending not to know, or he was just dumb, Eklaire rolled her eyes.

"The staring, stop it."

"Why would I? You're in no position to tell me what to do." Niji said arrogantly, his eyes looking at Eklaire with a hint of amusement.

Eklaire pause and stared at Niji before arriving at a thought. "Hey Blueberry."

"That damn-

However, he was cut off when Eklaire asked him something.

"You didn't listen to what I've said outside, didn't you?"

Niji pause and blink under his goggles before grinning. "Yeah. I was busy staring at.... something." He trailed off, slowly looking down and stopping exactly at Eklaire's chest.

Eklaire smirk and chuckled amusedly, putting down the pen and placing her elbows on the desk, intertwining her hands and leaning her head at the back of her her intertwined hands.

"But Mr.Prince~, I clearly saw you looking straight to my eyes that time~." She said teasingly in a sing song voice.

"..." Niji fell silent and thought, If you f*cking knew why asked?!

Watching Niji silently seething in anger, Eklaire laugh amusedly before sighing.

"You know, why don't you just do what you royals do than sat here and stare at me all day?" She asked before standing up. She walk towards one of the cabinet and took something with her.

Niji followed her figure and click his tongue. He could actually see nothing, not even curves. Now, he had this feeling to take off that cloak, yet he was also hesitating because he might see something hideous.

Niji grinned, "How about you tell me what exactly do royals like me do?"

Eklaire chuckled and came back, placing two cups on the table. She pulled out one of the few drawer on the desk and took out a jar.

Eklaire smiled, "Well, for you, Your Majesty." She started, too busy preparing what looks like a tea that she didn't even notice Niji flinching at the title.

With a calm smile, she turned her attention back at Niji. "Well, either you were bullying the Soldiers or planning some strategy with your brother. Perhaps that's your usual routine, yes?"

Niji rolled his eyes and glared at Eklaire, feeling disappointed at what she says. Then, he pause and think. Why does he care anyway?

Shaking his head a little, his eyes narrowed at the two cups filled with something red.

"What the hell is that?" He asked, staring at the red sand like dust.

Eklaire walked away to get the tea pot for hit water and came back, pouring water on the cups.

"It's the tea I've made. Perhaps you would like to taste it, your majesty. After all, royals like you should enjoy your life, ain't that right?" She playfully mocked, but because of her bored tone, Niji took it seriously and frown.

He's starting to hate that title for some reason.

"F*cking stop that." He coldly ordered, causing Eklaire to pause a little.

She smiled, "What, the mocking? Are you annoyed now?" She asked and sat back. She pulled out a tea spoon and elegantly mixed the water with the red like powder.

"No. That damn title." He blurted out before stopping, realizing what he just said. I mean, to say that Niji wasn't shocked at his own words was a lie.

After all, who is Niji? He's an arrogant prince who hate those who's inferior to him. He's petty and mean, and he would surely held a grudge with just a simple mistake. What's more, he loved his position as a Royalty and act like one, very arrogant.

But now, he was actually telling Eklaire not to address him as she should?

Eklaire chuckled, "I though you like the address."

"Not if you keep saying it without respect." Niji hurriedly said, fixing his error. He Internally sigh, knowing it was a great excuse.

"Oh, I see..." To his relief, Eklaire believed it but. "Don't mind it. You're not going to turn into a Majesty at the moment anyway, Your Highness."

Luckily, Eklaire did not poured the cups full, because Niji became angered again that he stood up and hastily make his way to Eklaire, ungently grabbing a handful of her collar (since she's wearing clothes under the cloak) before harshly pulling her towards him so that they were face to face.

However, the cloak shadowed half of her face so Niji can't see it completely, except the calm mischievous smile on her place.

Eklaire chuckled, "Calm yourself."

"Quit ordering me! You have no rights!" Niji yelled.

"Same to you. Didn't you hear you Father? Right now, you and I are in the same position. Besides, you wouldn't like the result of this action." Eklaire said, her hand holding the desk steadily because if she let go, something would happen.

Niji glared at her harshly, "Are you threatening me?"

Eklaire chuckled, "Not really. But I'm warning you."

"Oh yeah? You think a punny you could scare me?" Niji asked mockingly.

Eklaire blink and grinned, "Who said anything about scaring you?"


Eklaire cackled, "I'm talking about this."

She said, her hands letting go of the table. In a spare of seconds, her face came crashing with Niji till their lips met.

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