Chapter 18

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Niji stared at Eklaire, who grinned at him happily as though delighted to see him.

"The hell are you doing here?" Niji raised his eyebrow, looking at Eklaire.

With a smile, Eklaire raised her hand a show a Blood Red pill.


Looking at Eklaire's happy smile, Niji felt the corner of his lips twitch for a moment and watched how Eklaire grinned widely while looking at his neck.

"Quit wandering your eyes and tell me what that damn pill is. I have to go somewhere." Niji said, noticing how Eklaire's eyes glint in a mischievous way.

The mark was very visible and the collar of Niji can't hide the two red dots, though he never really intended to hide it since, based on Niji's face, he doesn't really care whether someone see it or not.

"Well..." Eklaire started before extending her hand, "This pill would lessen the numbness. If you take it, the effect would disappear in about 3 minutes."

Niji furrowed his eyebrow, the soft and small pill was then placed at his hands. He stared at it, before looking up at Eklaire who was smiling at him expectantly.

"Is that all?" He asked, causing the smile on Eklaire to turn into a small frown.

Eklaire click her tongue and sigh, "Yeah. Drink it before it melts. It can't be exposed to too much heat so you better drink it quickly." She said before looking away, "And here I am giving him my hardworked." She muttered, knowing no one had heard her.

However, Niji's hearing was quite well so he catched her words perfectly. Raising an eyebrow, He watched as Eklaire suddenly became silent, before looking at his direction without saying anything.

Niji frowned, What the hell is her problem? He thought, not understanding why Eklaire's temperament suddenly changed from Crazy to docile.

Well, not exactly docile but....she suddenly became silent. Niji thought before suddenly feeling a light tap on his cheek.


Looking down, Niji saw a smile on Eklaire's face, though half of her face was still under the darkness of her hood.

"Thanks." she suddenly muttered softly, her voice almost like a whisper. "Although I've said that I tends to drink blood without permission, your case was an exception."

Hearing that, Niji blink. Indeed, he remember her word that time.

"Don't worry, I don't bite randomly. I tends to drink blood...from people who gave me permission."

Was the words she said.

The very first time they've met, she asked him to escort her to her own room, which he clearly refuse. In the end, he was angered by Eklaire and he eventually dragged her towards he room, just because she stated that he felt fear towards her because she's a vampire.

That time, because of pride, Niji went and escort her without delay, to prove that he doesn't have any fear towards her. Which is clearly true, but for unknown reason, Niji felt relief that he did escort her that time.

Within his silence, Eklaire smiled and suddenly said something that cause Niji's heart to skip a beat for some unknown reason.

"You know.... you're not that bad."

With that, she left, just like how she always does. And Niji, as usual, was too stunned and shocked to stopped her.

That woman! Why is it that she always ditched like this?! Niji thought, but this time, instead of a deep scowl, an amused smirked made it's way to his face.

"Seriously, she didn't even wait for a damn second, how disrespectful." He whispered, "I swear she'll turn into one of my amusement while she's here." He muttered before turning around, his hand throwing the red pill quickly into his mouth and, without hesitation, gulped it down without delay.

Sweet. He thought as he felt the pill melting into his mouth. He thought that the pill was bitter, since that's how medicines usually taste. But considering the title and the reputation of the one who made it, Niji doesn't felt the need to think about it anymore.

However, a thought was stucked into Niji's mind.

"And here I am giving him my hardworked."

Was the words he clearly heard she whispered. He didn't know what that really meant, but just with those words he have an idea. After all, isn't it obvious?

Either the pill was that hard to make or it meant something else. After all, the meaning 'It was hard to make' was the most obvious and senseful explanation he could came up with.

But, the real question he wanted to asked was...."Why give it to me? Damn it." Niji muttered. After all, if it was hard to make, she surely wouldn't give it to him considering how he treated her, right?

Trying to forget about this matter, Niji walked in to the throne room.

"I'm here." He announced his presence, causing everyone to turned their attention towards him.

"What caused you this long to get here?" Ichiji asked calmly, his eyes staring at the brother he was most closest to.

Seeing Ichiji, Niji's lips turned into a frown.

It wasn't that he has any grudge or hatred towards Ichiji, but the fact that Ichiji was indeed here was already an obvious hint that they have a mission. After all, who doesn't know that both of them do missions together?

Damn it. Niji cursed Internally before clicking his tongue. "Just encountered a presence on the way." He merely answered, causing Ichiji to raised an eyebrow at his answer.

"And who is it that's worth your time?" Ichiji asked.

Niji, hearing that question, pause. He sat on his seat and lick his lips, seemingly remembering something before a grin appeared in his face.

"Well, someone interesting that is."

Having enough of Niji's words that doesn't answer his question straight to the point, the fact that Niji was actually beating around the bush annoyed Ichiji greatly.

Before he could say something, Reiju appeared with a mischievous smirked in his lips.

"Ara~ Good to see you've arrived already, Niji."

Seeing Reiju with that smirk, Niji felt his lips twitched.

Curse this.

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