Hanako Hatake's Day Off

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*These are the Kanji for the names referenced in the chapter below.*

悲子 Hana Ko Sorrow Child

畑ケ Hata Ke Farmland

案山子 Kakashi Scarecrow

作物 Sakumo(tsu) Crops

Pakkun sighed. Kakashi's whelp coughed roughly in her room, the wet sound traveling through the apartment walls with little effort. Poor pup had been bed ridden for days, a fever wracking her too small body and leaving her dazed and confused.

He hadn't been sure what to think of her, at first. Her scent was strange, like her body was young but her chakra was old, and it made his nose itch. She didn't clamber to pet him, like other kids her age, instead asking for permission every time and speaking respectfully.

That Kakashi took on a child at all had been strange. After all the loss he'd suffered, Pakkun and the pack believed he would never allow another human into his life, let alone start a family of his own. Adoption had certainly been out of the question. And yet...

He could see what drew Kakashi to her. There was a sadness about her, a despondency which dripped from her chakra and called to the people around her to offer their comfort. Her black eyes had seen too much, too soon, too young.

Just like Kakashi.

Another round of coughing broke his reverie, and Pakkun sighed again. It was times like these he really wished he had thumbs. It was hard enough caring for humans when they were healthy adults, but sick children were a realm of their own.

Honestly, of all the times for Kakashi to go on an away mission.

He trotted down the hall and into the girl's room, jumping up onto the bed and settling down beside her.

"How're you feeling, pup?"

She wheezed harshly, opening bleary eyes to look at him. A wobbly smile spread across her unmasked face, awakening a pair of deep dimples. "Pakkun." Another cough wracked her body.

He reached over and removed the wet cloth from her forehead, kneading it with his paws to push out the sweaty water. "Hush, pup. Don't strain yourself." He rewet the cloth and placed it on her head, wiping away the excess water that ran down her face. "Did you take your medicine?"

She nodded, breathing ragged. "Pakkun, what about school?"

"Don't worry about it, pup. Kids get sick all the time."

She tried to protest further, but a knock on the front door interrupted her.

Pakkun pressed down on her chest with a paw, leveling a mock glare on her. "Stay."

He jumped off the bed and scampered over to the entryway, leaping up and hooking his paws around the door handle. His weight pulled it down and the door swung inward, letting a swatch of sunlight broken by a shadow. Looking around the door, Pakkun took in the visitor.

The boy was only around seven or eight, with the pale, pale eyes of the Hyuuga. He wore a wide headband over his forehead, marking him as a member of the branch family, and a dark blue yukata.

"What do you want, kid?" Pakkun asked, sitting in the doorway. "There aren't any humans around to entertain you."

The Hyuuga boy held out a red folder. "Iruka-sensei sent me here to bring Hatake the work she missed in class today."

Pakkun nodded his head. "Thanks, kid. She was worried about that."

A loud cough echoed from inside the apartment and the Hyuuga's pale eyes flickered past Pakkun for a moment before settling on his face.

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