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Naruto looked up at the blonde woman with half lidded eyes. She certainly didn't look like Hana, with her golden undertone and upturned eyes. She was lounging in her seat, arms thrown over the back of the sofa and legs crossed in a pose even he recognized as arrogance, the shadow of a smile on her admittedly beautiful face. Her appearance threw him off, a bit, since this was Tsunade Senju, the Pervy Sage's genin teammate. Hana had told him about her after he started training with the old man, so he knew a little about her. Namely her age. Jiraiya certainly looked like a man in his fifties—acted like one, too, the lecher—but his teammate didn't look a day over thirty.

Her question ignited a fire in him and his first instinct was to demand why anyone wouldn't want to be Hokage, but he stopped himself. Barely. He could feel his face heating from the effort and he staunchly did not look at Sasuke-teme. Nu-uh.

Well, he did look at him, but he also looked at Hana! Nobody was speaking, so he needed to see if they were planning something with their eyes like they sometimes did. It was weird, seeing them in matching outfits. Hana's pale skin and dark eyes really lent themselves to the whole Uchiha vibe she had going, but the violent red of the marking on her face ruined the effect. Poor Hana, stuck with a grandpa like Pervy Sage.

As he'd thought, his friends were having a conversation with their eyes, neither of them paying much attention to him or the legendary kunoichi in front of them.

Well, then. He'd have to say something.

"Ahem," he began, hoping he wasn't about to completely dash any hopes of bringing Tsunade home for Lee. "Well, you're super strong, right? And smart! And you're a Senju, so if you come back, the village's morale will get better, since it went down after the invasion and everything." He leaned over to Sasuke, who was looking at him with wide eyes, and whispered. "Morale is the right word, right?"


"Right!" He turned back to the older kunoichi, pumping his fist in excitement. "Also, also! The Raikage and his brother are still in the village, so if someone as strong an amazing as you becomes Hokage, they won't cause any trouble!"

Tsunade's brows rose sharply and she leaned forward. "Why is the Raikage in the village?"

"He came for the Chunin Exams," Sasuke answered lowly. "There was a genin from Kumo in the finals."

Naruto nodded. "Yeah! His brother, Killer Bee, is so cool! Believe it! He visits Gaara with me!"

"He does?" Hana's voice was quiet and he almost talked over her. "That's nice."

Naruto's face hurt from smiling so wide. "Yeah! It's really cool, since he's been a jinchuriki way longer than we have and—!"

"Wait," Tsunade held up a nicely manicured hand. "Kumo's jinchuriki is in Konoha?"

"And Suna's," Hana agreed. "Things could have ended badly."

"Yeah, but Killer Bee stopped Gaara before he could lose control," Naruto interjected. "So, everything's fine!"

"Hold on a minute!" All three genin looked up, wide eyed, at a stern Tsunade. Hazel eyes glared at them before narrowing on Hana. "There are two foreign jinchuriki in the village, and one foreign Kage. Am I understanding that right?"

Hana nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

"And you want me to clean up that mess? For free?"

"What do you want?"

The smile on Tsunade's face was not kind. "Nothing you can give me."

Naruto's face scrunched as he once again took in the differences between the two kunoichi. Hana's hair was even more unkempt than usual and the dark bags under her eyes made the bright red of those unfortunate markings stand out all the more on her pale, somewhat haggard face. She really didn't look very good, did she? Regardless, the look in her dark eyes was as serious as he'd ever seen it, her sharp teeth—larger than his, though he hated to admit it—worrying at her bottom lip as she used her awesome brain to figure out the best response. She was handling the situation the way she handled everything, slowly and with a deliberation that Naruto had come to expect from her. Sometimes, he swore she took more time than she needed just to test his patience, such as it was. Tsunade, on the other hand, was the picture of nonchalance. The way she was looking down at them, the corner of her mouth tilting ever so slightly up, made it clear she couldn't care less about the arguments they might present. He knew that look, his entire soul curdling inside him as he recognized it. She'd already made up her mind. Everything they said would go in one ear and out the other, leaving no changes in their wake.

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