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Content warning: Self Harm, depression, yandere-esque behavior

Lee's hands shook as he slowly peeled the apple. He had to adjust his grip several times, and the poor fruit ended up looking very lumpy, but he managed it in the end. With a self satisfied smile, he added it to a bowl full of similarly ugly fruit. He took a moment to stretch his fingers as Shizune-sensei had instructed him. Although his surgery was a miraculous success, he still had to be mindful of his limits. Guy-sensei made it quite clear that he was to do exactly as Shizune-sensei said or else risk never being a shinobi again. Every day he spent in casts and crutches made him increasingly anxious over all the training he missed, but he did his best the bury his restlessness. Yes, he was losing hard earned strength and muscle mass, but his body could only heal properly while at rest.

At the very least, he could peel apples for his friend.

He turned to look at her where she lay on the hospital bed. The stark white sheet was pulled up to her chin and Lee took the liberty of laying a slightly wrinkled handkerchief across the bottom half of her face. Her eyes were closed, thick dark lashes unmoved by dreams. Her pale skin seemed paper thin and her freckles were washed out under the harsh lights overhead. Her dark hair spilled across the understuffed pillow, curls lying flat and lifeless around her head.

If not for the rhythmic rise and fall of her chest, one might think her a corpse.

Lee shook his head vigorously to banish that unholy thought from his mind. She was alive. She got hurt very badly, but she was alive and would get better soon.

He clenched his fist, trying not to be disheartened by his weakened grip strength. They would walk the road of recovery together. She always encouraged him, even when she learned he could not use chakra. Now, it was his turn to cheer her on! There was no reason she could not be a ninja. The nurse who whispered among themselves of the tragic end to her career would all be proven wrong!

After all, Naruto said she could use one handed jutsus! Clearly, she had anticipated injuries to her hands.

Of course, she likely never thought they would be permanent...

Le sighed and resumed his self assigned task. Although she showed no signs of waking, his dear friend would undoubtedly be hungry when she did. He made sure to peel only the best looking apples for her, the repetitive motions doubling as a dexterity exercise for his bandaged fingers. Sure, peeling them like this made it almost impossible to keep them over night, but he wanted to be ready. Just in case.

A gentle, almost hesitant knock broke his concentration and he sucked in a harsh breath as his knife cut through his bandages and into the sensitive flesh of his healing hand. He instinctively brought the superficial wound to his mouth as he turned to look at the person who knocked and froze.

He knew that red hair. He doubted he would ever forget it.

Phantom pains ran through his limbs as he met the pale green eyes of Gaara, his final opponent in the Chunin Exams. The knife in his hand was not built for combat and he knew, even if he were armed, there was nothing he could to against Gaara now.

Nothing he could do against him then, either.

The redheaded boy seemed just as surprised to see Lee, his pale eyes widening before looking down at the floor, his forward momentum stolen in an instant. Behind him, Anbu guards stood stoic and cold in their dark armor and white masks. Not for the first time, Lee was reminded that the person in the doorway was incredibly dangerous and he was lucky to have survived their fight at all. He very nearly did not. If Guy-sensei had not intervened...

"You have ten minutes," one of the Anbu said curtly.

The words seemed to spur Gaara into action. He entered the room with soundless steps, the door closing behind him. Lee watched with tense shoulders as the other boy shuffled forward, unsure of whether or not to put himself between his final opponent and his dearest friend. She would do it for him, were their positions reversed, but he could not yet stand without assistance. He searched Gaara's face for any signs of aggression, ready to call out to the Anbu outside at the slightest hint of danger.

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