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Jiraiya looked down at his rapidly expanding collection of genin where they sat in a circle on the floor of the hotel room he'd managed to snag after some gratuitous flirting. The Uchiha was groggy but awake, leaning on Naruto who supported his friend with an easy smile. The Hatake looked...less than pleased to say the least, having tried and failed to cross her arms several times, her scowl deepening with each attempt. It was a far cry from the vapidly polite kid he'd met during the exams and a small part of him felt guilty for any part he may have played in that, but he'd be lying if he said it wasn't a relief to finally see past the patently fake smile she and her father shared. They were far too alike for genetic strangers.

Nurture: 1 Nature: 0

"Alright, you two," he said with a weary sigh. "You two need to hightail it back to the Village, now. I don't have time to take care of more than one brat."

The Uchiha bristled, raising what had to be a pounding head to glare at Jiraiya. "No. We're staying with Naruto."

The girl—his girl, he remembered with a shudder—turned black eyes on the boys, sour expression dredging up memories of a woman he almost wished he'd forgotten.

"Before we do anything," she said, straight brows furrowed in an echo of her grandmother's frown. "You two are going to have a long, in depth conversation about tenants who pay rent in chakra and the Mangekyou Sharingan. Naruto, I suggest you go first."

Minato's clone watched with wide, fear filled eyes as she got to her feet. "Y-you know?"

A good question. How had a kid born outside the village learned about Naruto's not so little secret? There was no way Kakashi would have told her. Being a genius could only excuse so much—.

Jiraiya forced his train of thought to stop in its tracks before he got ahead of himself. Again. There were plenty of reasons for her to know about the Kyuubi, most of them perfectly justifiable. Probably.

"That's an S Class secret, chibi-chan," he said seriously.

"One that Sasuke needs to know," she replied just as grimly. "Just like Naruto needs to know about the Sharingan. This incident alone has proved that, but they're teammates, so this information would have needed to be shared eventually."

He disagreed, but one look at the considering look on Naruto's face and he knew he'd lose that fight.

She walked up to him, craning her slender neck to stare up at him with too black eyes rimmed in red. He really didn't want to think about what that meant. "May I borrow your sealing kit? Mine's—." She cut herself off, her right hand reflexively closing into a fist at her side.

Ah. Right. Her seal was broken.

He pulled a roll of paper, brushes and an ink stone from his thigh pouch, making a show of grumbling even as he watched with hawklike vigilance as she began working on a silencing seal. It was simple, more of a 'don't listen' seal than a true silencer, but it was well done and would serve its purpose. Most ninja were trained to spot silencing seals, anyway, so her choice made a lot of sense given their recent run in.

She placed the seal onto the floor with a brief flare of chakra to activate it and then stood. "We'll be outside if you need us."

"B-but, Hana-chan! What if those guys come back?"

"Shut up, dobe," the Uchiha said with a tired groan. "They're not leaving, we just need to talk about this by ourselves."

He looked to the girl for confirmation and looked all too smug when she nodded at him. Then, she turned those eyes on Jiraiya.

"Come on, then. Let's give them some privacy."

"I don't see why they couldn't have that conversation with us there," he said once they'd shut the door behind them.

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