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Kakashi scowled at his daughter's erstwhile teammate, teeth grinding as he and the Suna jounin disappeared in a puff of white smoke. A cursory glance with his Sharingan assured him that all other opponents were down, and he leapt into the air, rushing to the roof top where his Kage was last seen fighting within a barrier erected by Oto-nin. He wasn't the only one—Guy, Genma, Kurenai, Ibiki, and Jiraiya himself were there, among others. They all lingered outside a giant tangle of trees, exchanging low words and unconsciously grouping together into identifiable team formations. The sound of fighting still filled the air, but it was distant and subdued. The invasion would be coming to an unsuccessful end any moment now, he was sure.

"Ah, Hatake-taichou! A moment, please!"

He turned to face a masked Anbu, the shorter man looking oddly nervous. "Hmm? What is it?"

Mah, he sounded as tired as he felt. He'd need to cover his eye again, soon, or he'd be down for the count.

"Sir, it's about Hanako Hatake."

Suddenly, he wasn't tired at all, a cold energy pooling in his gut and spreading through him faster than his sensei's Hiraishin. Hanako. Where was Hanako? She'd been right beside him in the stadium at the invasion's onset, but he'd lost track of her in the ensuing chaos. She wasn't among those affected by the genjutsu, and she hadn't gone with the team he'd sent after Gaara—though, given how close they apparently were, that might have been a good idea. It's possible she had another objective he knew nothing about, but why would an Anbu tasked with protecting the Hokage be telling him about her?

"What about my daughter?" He asked with a smile that was as much as mask as the cloth on his face, a muscle jumping in his jaw.

The other man shrank under the weight of his gaze. "A-ah, taichou, about that...She used her summoning jutsu to bring the Raikage inside the barrier. She went with him and sent her ninken to bring some of us inside, as well, but the summoning was disrupted before we could use it. I'm worried she may have been injured after we lost sight of her in the Mokuton forest."


The Anbu physically recoiled, whole body wrenching itself away from Kakashi as a wave of killing intent rolled off of him.

"Hmm? I'm sorry, I don't think I heard that right. It sounded like you said a group of Anbu just sat back and watched as an eleven year old girl entered a combat zone with a foreign Kage, but there's no way that could be right. No one could possibly be that stupid."

A hand fell on his shoulder, shifting his focus, and his rage, onto Shikaku Nara. The taller man's expression was grim, new scratches standing out on his weathered skin. "Kakashi, that's enough. We need to talk."

"Whatever it is, I'm sure it can wait," he said gruffly as he brushed the Jounin Commander's hand off. "I need to find my kid."

"Kakashi, the Hokage is dead."

He froze mid step, heart clenching in his chest for the second time. How had they confirmed that when they were all still outside? A Hyuuga, most likely, but a formal authentication was surely in order. Not sensing his chakra and not finding a pulse were two different things.

"We need to discuss a course of action before we go in there," the Nara was saying, tone weary but eyes sharp. "The Raikage may have fought on our behalf—and I'm getting reports that his younger brother helped out, elsewhere—but we can't present ourselves as a village without a leader to a potential hostile. Most of the Clan leaders are here, so we're going to hold an emergency vote regarding an interim Kage before we go in there." He scratched the back of his head with a quite sigh. "I get it, you know. There's nowhere I'd rather be than wherever that lazy brat of mine is, but this is where I'm needed. It won't take long—emergency votes never do."

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