Chapter 3

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When the bus pulls up the next morning right at six A.M., everyone is so tired that we just want to get going. Trevor, our tour manager, and Amy are the only ones that are decently functioning.

"First day of tour ladies! Who's excited?" Trevor says as the bus pulls off.

Dani groans into the pillow she's hugging. After the initial scramble of arguing over who gets which bunk, Trevor made us congregate in the front sitting area.

"I. Am. Ready," Amy says clapping. "Let's go guys. We're gonna kill this."

"Can I go back to bed now?" Dani asks.

"We just have to go over some stuff first. Then you can go to bed," Trevor says enthusiastically.

"We are due to be in Chicago in about seven or eight hours depending on traffic. The venue is all set up and ready to go to run rehearsals. It's up to you guys if you want to go straight there or check in to the hotel first."

"Sounds great. Now bed?" Dani says.

"Shut up dweeb. You're the reason we were all up until one packing," I tell her.

"Who're you calling dweeb?"

"Children! Enough," Christina shouts.

"Right, back to what I was saying," Trevor says, slightly shaken at the interruption. "Now, I know you girls have done tours before but nothing ever on this scale. This isn't the same as playing the venues you're used to.

"The smallest venue we are booked for accommodates up to thirty thousand people and we are selling out a lot of shows. There are going to be crowds, crazy fans, weird stuff happens sometimes but we have one of the best security teams there is.

"Everyone is going to be watching your every move. Normally that makes me nervous but with your reputation I'm not too worried. Just keep it in mind though. Biggest thing I want to stress is to have fun. This is going to take a lot of work and a lot of energy but don't forget to just stop and take it all in."

"We've played stadiums before at festivals and stuff," Lisa says.

"I know. But playing a stadium tour is a lot more demanding than just a couple days at a festival. You guys have been to South America, right? You saw how crazy the fans were there. That's how they're going to be everywhere."

Trevor caves and says Dani can go back to bed. She moves faster than I would've thought possible and disappears behind the curtain to her bunk. Lisa follows her close behind as Katherine and Christina go to organize their things.

"Want to watch a movie?" I ask Amy.

"Sure. Can we watch Divergent?" she asks.

"Yeah, I'll meet you in the backroom. I just want to grab my laptop first."

Amy goes to the lounge to get the movie set up while I climb into my bunk and grab my backpack. After making sure no one is looking, I take an Adderall and then grab my laptop and follow her into the back.

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