Chapter 6

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We run off the stage, out of breath, hearts beating out of our chests. The adrenaline that's rushing through my body is unreal. It feels amazing. 

"Oh! My! Gosh!" Lisa screams, jumping on my back. 


We both fall on the ground laughing. 

"That was amazing!" Katherine exclaims. 

"I want to do that again!" Dani says. 

I look at her quizzically. "You do realize that we are going to be doing that a multitude more of times right?" 

"I know, I'm not an idiot! I'm just saying." 

We walk into the staging area to find most of the crew, Trevor, and Twin Peaks waiting for us. They erupt into cheers and we immediately start celebrating again. After a few minutes, Trevor shouts for everyone to calm down for a minute. 

"I just want to congratulate these six talented girls for putting on one of the best live shows I've ever seen!" Everyone breaks into cheers again. 

"And I want to thank the hard working, dedicated crew we have with us. I'm confident we are going to kill this tour!" 

I clap along with everyone else as Trevor tells the crew to start breaking everything down. I turn to head back to our dressing room but I instantly collide with someone. 

"I'm so sorry," I say. 

"No, I'm sorry. It was my fault," the boy says. 

It's Connor, from Twin Peaks. Up close, I can see his face more clearly. He has a dazzlingly white smile that make his dark brown eyes stand out. His sandy brown hair is spiked up at random, messy angles. The only fault on his perfect face is a scar that runs through his right eyebrow. 

"You guys had a good show tonight. I caught some of it," I tell him. 

"Thanks. No where near as good as you guys though. That was...amazing," he says. I feel my cheeks turning red and my adrenaline start to run through my body again. 

He's just a boy, I think to myself.  

"Um, thanks," I say. He laughs. 

"Modest too. That's refreshing." He flashes his white smile at me again. 

Dani comes up from behind and puts her arm around me. "Watcha guys talking about?" she asks with a smirk on her face. 

"Nothing. We should get back to the dressing room," I say to Connor. 

He smiles yet again. 

"Okay. It was nice talking to you Lauren." 

Connor turns and heads off to his own dressing room. 

"He's cute," Dani says, wiggling her eyebrows. 

I glare at her. "I really loathe you sometimes, you know that?" 

"Stop being so dramatic. You know I'm your favorite." 

Dani looks over her shoulder to where James and Julia are standing in the corner. 

"We have shadows," she remarks as we start heading towards the dressing room. 

I look back and see them walking about ten feet behind us. 

"Yup. This is going to be a long tour, isn't it?" 

"Hey, you turn eighteen in like four months. I'm stuck with them until we are completely off of this. Any word on what's going on with that anyways?" she asks. 

"Last Christina told me was that the dates for Europe are almost finalized. They're still working out the details for after that," I tell her. 

"Sweet. I hope we can go back to Brazil. The fans there are crazy awesome." 

I agree as we walk back into our dressing room. Amy jumps into my arms as soon as we do, causing me to fall back into the door. 

"Lauren! That was so awesome!" she squeals. 

"I know! You killed it out there!" 


Amy lets me go and starts jumping up and down. 

There's a knock on the door and Kevin calls out. 

"You girls decent?" 

"Yeah, come in," Lisa shouts. 

Kevin sticks his head in but doesn't step inside the room. 

"Bus is going to roll out in about thirty minutes. Think y'all can be ready to go by then?" he asks. 

We all nod and satisfied with that response, Kevin leaves closing the door behind him. All of us break off to shower and change since we won't get to Cleveland until three or four in the morning. 

After getting out of the shower and regaining my buzz thanks to my trusty dab pen, I sit on the couch to brush my hair. Lisa sits next to me and points our hand held camera at me. 

"What'd you think of the first night of tour Lauren?" she asks. 

"It was awesome. The crowd was lit and it was really cool seeing so many people come out to see us perform. It was just magical," I say really relaxed. 

Lisa gives me a weird look and I burst out laughing. 

"Oh-kay then. Someone clearly needs to go to bed," she says turning the camera to her. 

"Any last words for the viewers Lauren?" 

"Make sure you come see us on tour. And come to the meet and greets! Otherwise it's just us standing around awkwardly in a room for a couple hours," I say laughing some more. 

"Five minutes everyone! Make sure you have everything and are ready to go!" Christina shouts. 

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