Chapter 8

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"Lauren, what do you think of this dress?" Katherine asks. 

I study my taller sister in the dress she's trying on. We've been on tour for two weeks and we have an off day in Houston. Amy and Lisa suggested shopping so for the last three hours we have been making our way in and out of shops, trying not to draw attention to ourselves. Of course, this is made hard due to our security team. About an hour ago Lisa suggested we split into groups of two. 

Christina and her went to go look for make up, Amy and Dani are busying themselves with buying snacks and other necessities while I'm helping Katherine find a few new outfits. 

"I like it but it's a little edgier than what you usually wear. You're totally pulling it off though," I note smiling. I yawn sleepily as she smiles. 

"You haven't been sleeping much lately," she says. 

"No, not really. There's been so much going on it's been hard to quiet my head." 

It's not a lie. The last two weeks have been crazy. We've played nine shows, four of which were sold out completely. Everyday the fans are getting more and more intense. Our bus got swarmed leaving our last show and we had to wait forty-five minutes for the police to clear the crowd away to let us drive out. 

The truth is that the weed is only doing so much to help calm my nerves which are getting worse and worse everyday. Since I'm up anyways, I've been taking the Aderrall to help fight the fatigue and stay moving. It probably isn't helping the whole not sleeping thing but if I can't sleep I might as well work. 

"Well, if any of us can help in any way, you know you just have to say the word," Kath says. She turns and studies herself in the mirror before frowning. "Way too edgy for me." Kath goes back into the dressing room to get out of the tightly fitting dress, leaving me sitting on one of the chairs. 

The door to the boutique we are in chimes as a group of four girls enter. Julia comes over from the back of the store and sits next to me. 

"Anywhere else you guys want to go after this?" she asks. 

I shrug. "It's up to Kath really. I'm good with what I have," I say gesturing to the three shopping bags at my feet filled with flannels, t shirts and sweatpants that I got at Goodwill. There's something about having a worn out shirt that's just a lot more comfortable than a brand new one. 

We hear a thud in the changing rooms.

"Kath, you good?" I call out. 

"Yeah, I just tripped a bit. That's going to bruise." 

Julia looks behind me and nods her head. "I think you've been spotted," she says standing up. 

I look over my shoulder and sure enough, the four girls that came in a minute ago are staring straight at me and pointing. I shrug again. 

"I thought that's something I should be getting used to." 

"It probably is but I don't like it when it's just me here. Things can get out of hand really fast. I better call Kevin to come back from lunch," Julia says frowning. 

"Don't. Let him eat. All of you guys work so hard. You deserve to enjoy your breaks." 

"We work hard to keep you safe. We can relax when we are off the clock," she says pulling out her cellphone. 

Kath emerges from the changing room, this time in her own clothes, with a few items in her hands. 

"Getting those?" I ask her. 

She nods and the two of us walk towards the counter while Julia lingers behind, still trying to reach Kevin. Kath is almost done paying when we get interrupted by a voice behind us. 

"Hi, um, excuse me?" 

I turn around and see two of the girls that came in earlier standing nervously a few paces behind us. One of them fidgets with her phone. 

The cashier hands Kath her receipt and tells us to have a nice day. 

"We don't mean to bother you guys but...are you Katherine and Lauren?" the one with the phone asks. I look at Katherine then shoot Julia a look in the back. She quickly hangs up her phone and starts walking over. 

"Yeah!" Kath says smiling. I groan internally. One of the rules of us going out today was that we were supposed to remain unnoticed at all costs. 

"Oh my gosh! We just wanted to say that we are huge fans of you guys. I can't believe we are actually meeting you right now!" the other girl says. 

Hearing their ecstatic voices, their two other friends rush over realizing that it is indeed us. Julia comes up behind us and puts her hands on our shoulders. 

"We should get going girls," she says abruptly. 

"Wait! Can we get a picture?" one of the girls asks. I shift slightly uncomfortably. 

"Sure!" Kath says in her bubbly manner. Again, I groan internally. 

Julia sighs and makes her way out of the shot as the girls alternate turns taking photos with us. 

"Are you guys coming to the show tomorrow?" Kath asks. 

"Yeah, of course!" 

"Cool, Kath we really should get going. It was nice meeting you guys," I say grabbing my sisters arm. Julia gives me a nod of approval as we exit the store. 

"Kevin's on his way here now and James is meeting us with the van. He already picked everyone else up. Just keep walking," Julia says. 

We make it another ten paces before we're stopped again. 

"Lauren! Lauren Cimorelli? Is that you? And Katherine! Holy crap! Guys! It's Lauren and Katherine Cimorelli!" a guy calls out to his group of friends. They're a few feet ahead of us. I hear Julia mutter a swear under her breath. 

"Can we get some pictures?" he asks. 

"Actually guys, we're on a schedule right now and we're running late. Sorry," Julia says pushing us forward. 

"Aw come on! It's just one picture!" he whines. 

I look at Kath and sigh as I anxiously agree. 

"One photo," Julia warns. 

As we pose for the picture with the groups of guys, someone else comes up. 

"Can I get one too?" 

"Quickly," Julia says through gritted teeth. 

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