Chapter 10

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When we got back to the hotel I went straight to mine and Dani's room in our suite and promptly locked myself in there. I didn't even let Dani come in to put her shopping bags away. After my breakdown in the car, I don't want to be around anyone. 

Knowing that space is what I usually need to handle things, my sisters left me alone for the most part. They did send Dani to check on me and offer me dinner when they were ordering room service but she left quickly at my harsh "I'm not hungry," response. 

Instead, I buried myself under the covers of my bed with my dab pen and headphones blaring music as loud as they could. By the time Dani came back to the room for bed, my brand new cart was already halfway gone and it felt like I was floating on a cloud. No anxiety at all. 

I pretended to be asleep until I was sure she was, before I slipped out of bed and went to the living room. My mouth is dry as a desert and I desperately need something to drink. I go through the groceries that Amy and Dani bought earlier but, to my dismay, they seemed to have overlooked the need for liquids. 

I sigh and grab my wallet. I think I saw a vending machine at the end of the hall when we checked in last night. I slip into my Vans and pass a sleeping Isaac, sitting in the chair by the front door. For a moment, I debate waking him up and asking him to either go for or with me but I decide against it. He had a crazy day too and it's just down the hall. Kevin is monitoring the lobby anyways, making sure no one uses the elevator to our floor since it's supposed to be shut down while we're here. 

I dart out of the room and find myself in the quiet hallway of the hotel. A few steps later, I fully realize just how high I am. I keep my hand on the wall to steady myself. I make it to the vending machines no problem, swipe my card, and quickly jam the buttons for the apple juice. It falls with a thud and I grab it, opening it and draining half within a few seconds. 

After catching my breath, I turn around to go back to the suite but I instantly slam into someone. Their strong arms catch me, breaking my fall and I look up, expecting to see an angry Isaac. Instead I find myself looking into the dark brown eyes of Connor again. He's laughing. 

"We're making a habit of literally running into each other, aren't we?" he says. 

I laugh too, a little too hard but that's from the weed. 

"We are," I agree. Connor studies my face for a few moments, causing me to blush, before raising his eyebrows. 

"Are you stoned?" he asks frowning. 

Instantly my stomach drops and my heart starts to race. 

Crap, I think. 

"Uh," I say stalling. He smiles. 

"I'm not going to snitch if you don't snitch on me," Connor says smiling. He pulls out a dab pen of his own out of the pockets of his joggers.  "I just thought you guys were all straight edges and totally against the stuff," Connor explains. 

"We are. I mean, my sisters are. And they don't know. And if they, or the label, found out...," I trail off, slightly panicked. Connor laughs again. 

"Don't worry. My lips are sealed. What are you doing up so late anyways?" he asks. 

"I couldn't sleep and I got thirsty," I say holding up the juice. He nods. 


He swipes his own card in the machine and punches the code in for lemonade. It falls and he grabs it, also draining half of it in one go. 

"Want to watch a movie or something?"  

My heart skips a beat at his offer. "S-sure," I stutter. 

Connor takes my hand, steadying me as we walk to the door of his band's own suite. He swipes his key card and holds the door open for me, quietly shutting it behind him. 

"Everyone else is already in bed," Connor says quietly. 

After both of us arguing over what to watch for a few minutes, he finally caves and puts Aladdin on. Connor grabs a blanket and puts it over the two of us on the couch before settling in close to me. His knee is resting against mine and where our skin touches I feel electricity. 

"So any reason for being so stoned?" he asks as the movie starts. 

"Rough day." 

"Oh yeah,  I heard you guys got mobbed earlier. You good?" 

Now I raise my eyebrows at him. "Would I be higher than a mountain if I was?" 

Connor chuckles, a sound that sends warmth through my body. 

"No, I suppose not. What's it like?" 

"Being mobbed by a bunch of strangers trying to grab you and take your photo? Terrifying," I say. 

"Figures. You don't seem like one for crowds, not that you'd be able to tell from the way you are on stage." 

"Performing is different. When I'm on stage, it feels right, like that's where I should be. But if when I'm not on stage I'm kind of a loner. I mean I have friends and all but I don't like large groups of people. I'm more of a one on one kind of girl." 

I find myself rambling and curse at myself to shut up in my head. 

"Sorry," I add. 

"You're fine." 

Connor gets up from the couch, walks over to the fridge and grabs a beer. He glances back over at me and grabs a second one before walking back over and sitting down. He holds the can out to me. 

"Want one? It'll help take the edge off," he says. 

I look at the can then back to him. "I don't really drink much," I admit. "Actually I don't drink at all." 

"Never?" he asks a little surprised. I shake my head in response. 

Connor opens his can and takes a long drag before holding it back out to me. 

"Well, would you like to try some?" 

I look at it apprehensively causing him to laugh again. "It won't kill you." 

Shrugging, I grab the can and take a swig. The bubbles eat at my throat and I choke on the bitter taste, making us both laugh this time. 

"Ugh, that tastes horrible," I say handing it back to him. Connor is right though. Even though it was only one gulp, I can feel it work it's way down my throat and get absorbed into my bloodstream. 

"It's Pabst. Not exactly a craft beer but I like how light it is." 

"How'd you guys even get beer? None of you are twenty-one," I note. 

"Perks of not having a straight edge image. Our security team picked it up for us earlier today. Amazing what people will do for an extra fifty bucks," he says smirking. 

I roll my eyes but don't say anything. We both settle in, alternating between watching the movie, hitting our pens and passing the cans back and forth. By the time the end credits are rolling, I'm an uncontrollable giggling mess. 

"Let me walk you back to your room," Connor says standing up. He offers his hand to help me up and I gladly take it. As soon as I'm standing I feel my balance tip and I fall into him. 

"You good?" he asks laughing. 

"I'm great," I respond smiling. Never letting go of my hand, Connor leads me out of his suite and down the hall back to mine. 

"Thank you for tonight," I quietly say to him when we get to my door. "I really do feel a lot better." 

"Told you it would take the edge off," he says wiggling his eyebrows. "See you tomorrow?" 

I nod and swipe my key card, opening my door. 

"Goodnight Lauren," he whispers after me. 

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