Chapter 16

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I get woken up to pounding on the bedroom door as well as inside of my skull. 

"Look, I know you don't want to talk to us but we have to leave in ten minutes for soundcheck!" Christina shouts through the door. She still sounds annoyed. 

I get up to look for my phone but I'm greeted by a huge wave of nausea. I rush out of bed, out of the room, past a confused looking Christina and lock myself in the bathroom. I make it just in time as I empty my stomach into the bowl and keep hacking until it's just bile coming up. After I've finally stopped, I sink down onto the floor catching my breath. 

Using the counter, I yank myself back up and flush the toilet. It takes five minutes for me to brush my teeth, wash my face and make my hair look somewhat presentable. I exit the bathroom and go back to searching for my phone. 

"Lauren, we gotta go," Amy says appearing in the doorway. I glance up from my search and look at my older sister. Her face seems sad. 

"I can't find my phone," I say turning over the pillows on the other bed. 

"I'll call it." 

I wait for Amy to dial then I follow the buzzing, finding my phone under the other bed. 


I grab my backpack and follow her out of the room and to the front door where our security team and other sisters are waiting. No one says a word to me. 

"Let's go," Craig says, leading us out of the room. It's a five minute ride to the venue and the entire time Dani and Christina try to make small talk to fill the silence. I don't bother trying to join in. It's clear they're still angry and so am I. 

I'm a mess during sound check. I miss all my cues, constantly bump into Dani during the dances and my voice keeps cracking. My sisters keep shooting worried glances my way. I try to brush it off but there's at least one thing we are all clear on, I'm losing it. 

We go back to the dressing room and since no one is paying any bother to me, I don't bother hiding in the bathroom to swallow two Aderralls. We've got another two and a half hours before we go on stage so we all spread out, doing our own thing. I put my headphones in and try to ignore everyone but Amy walks over to me, waiting for me to take them out. 

I do and look at her expectantly. 

"Mom wants you to call her." 

Amy walks away before I can respond so I sigh and get up. I walk out of our dressing room and immediately Julia tails me through the arena so I can find a private area to get chewed out in. 

"Can you give me some space? I have to call my mom," I say to Julia. She nods and walks off a few paces before putting her own headphones in to give me some privacy. Her eyes never leave me though. I take a deep breath before dialing my mom's number. She picks up on the second ring. 

"I told you to call me right back," she starts off. 

"I know mom, I'm sorry. I turned my phone off and took a nap," I say. 

"What the heck is going on over there?" 

I don't respond for a second. I'm not really sure what to say. 

"Kath and I got in a fight and it got out of hand. I said some things I shouldn't have," I finally admit. 

"Well, I think that's the understatement of the year. Lauren, what you said was inexcusable. I got woken up this morning to two of your sisters calling me, bawling their eyes out. I don't know what they did to upset you and I really don't care. Nothing they could have said would justify what you told them." 

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