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The cafe started to pile up, all ages of kids coming in. Grown up couples, who were around the ages of 60, teenagers who need to study for classes, some young couples. Really just anyone who found home in the cafes were allowed.

Jazz music was playing in the background, the smell of coffee beans and cakes, and sounds of the whispers in the cafes coming from the people inside.

It was nice and quite, just how they liked it.

Taehyung was in the kitchen, baking up the pies, and decorating the cakes. Jimin had already put on some roller skates, skating around while he gave people there orders.

While Taehyung finished up the fresh baked and decorated cakes, jimin came in, taking off his roller skates.

"Your up Tae, lets switch"

Taehyung than put on the roller skates, leaving to go give out the orders. Taehyung stoped when he heard the door bells jingle, and some customers walk in.

"Hello, May I escort you to that table-"
It was almost like Taehyung could no longer breath. No way.

"Oh Taehyung. You do realize you owe us so much right?"

Oh fuck. No. This..


The boy named Kia laughed in his face, pushing Taehyung to the floor.

"You might as well move to another school because nobody wants a little twerp at out school!"
They kicked him in the chest, leaving him to sob to himself, curling himself into a little ball, pressing himself against the lockers.

"So fucking disgusting!"
Kias voice echoed through the hallways, even when he was gone, Taehyung could still hear kias words in his brain.

'Fucking disgusting'



Kia laughed.
"So you finally took my advice and moved? No fucking way! The pathetic little actully has a brain!"

"W-Wait please don't say that a-loud"
Taehyung stuttered, hoping jimin wouldn't hear what Kia had said.

Kia rolled his eyes, grabbing Taehyung by his collar and dragging him over outside of the cafe, and throwing him into an alleyway.

"Look twerp, we'll keep your little secret- if you do stuff for us"

Taehyung gulped. His whole life could be on the line right now. If it were to come out, that he is a little, it could somehow possibly ruin him. He could lose his best friend and soulmate jimin.. and Seokjin right away Ofcourse.


Kia smirked, eyeing his little minions, who smirked back.

"The first thing is.. to meet us here tommrow.. we'll discuss more about this soon"
His voice was so devilish, giving Taehyung such horrible vibes.

But before Kia and his little minions could leave Taehyung alone, Kia punches Taehyungs lip, leaving Taehyung to bleed his lip.

"Still So pathetic"

They all left, leaving Taehyung to hold his lip from bleeding.

In Taehyungs old school, he was normally ignored, jimin being his only friend. But, he stopped being ignored, and started being bullied after Kia found his little pills.

The bullying only seemed to get worse, so he finally transferred schools, but who would've known that Kia and his little minions would find him at his work job?

Taehyung got up, all the memories flashing back, as he ran, running home. He didn't care about work anymore, he just wanted to go home.

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