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It was around 9pm, night time. Tae just stared at the ceiling, feeling bored. Jimin had left not to long ago, and Jin is downstairs. Now what?

Taehyung's head perked up to the sound of the door bell being rung. Who could be here at this time? It is around the time Jin might be having a late dinner, so did he invite someone over? Curiosity seems to overtake the little, because he ended up leaving his room to the staircase, peaking downstairs. 

"Hello-  Hwasa? What are you doing here-"

"Baby~! How come you didn't tell me you got yourself a home hm~? That hurts my feelings~"
She coed, shoving Seokjin out of the way to take a glance over the house.
"And its so big to! I should move in here with you!"

Taehyung gritted his teeth.
"Who does she think she is?"
Taehyung whisper yelled.

"Who do you think you are?"
Seokjin grolwed.

"Hey I just said that!"
Taehyung grumpily pouted.

"Dear~ I'm your fiancee ~"

Seokjin rolled his eyes.
"What a joke. You can leave now."

"What do you mean leave? I want to take a good look to my future home~ I'm moving in soon~ You don't have to be so lonely~~"

"Actually, Taehyung lives here with me."

Taehyungs eyes widened. He would have thought Seokjin would just say 'roommate' but he said his name in all.

"Really now? Where is that immature kid?"

Both Taehyung and Seokjin rolled there eyes.
"Thats none of your business Hwasa. Leave."

"I'm not leaving until you prove you have a roommate. And if you're lying I'll have to move in~~"
She coes annoyingly, flipping her hair.

"Leave us alone. Go home."

"No. I'm not leaving until I see he's here."

Taehyung scrambled off his knees seeing she is coming upstairs. Taehyung ran into his room, entering it and slowly closing it behind him, and turning off the lights. He couldn't possibly be spotted by Seokjin AND Hwasa. Taehyung is wearing Seokjins hoodie that he had borrowed a few weeks ago, that Jin let him keep, and shorts and rode up higher then his ankles, dropping to his thighs. 

"Ah he's in this room isn't he?"

Seokjin grabbed Hwasa's hand.
"I said to leave it Hwasa. I'll call the authorities if you try to get in."

"Seokjin oppa~ Why are you so mean~! The authorities won't arrest me you know that~"

"Yea, 'cause your fucking cheap."
Seokjin muttered under his breath.

Hwasa started to bang on Taehyung's door.
She tried to open the door, but angrily banged her fist seeing it is locked.

"Hwasa don't make me cut off our family's relationships. You know I can do that right now with a simple phone call. Leave, and I won't."

"F-fine. But I'll be back!"
She screams, running down the stairs, and out the house, steaming in fume. 

Seokjin rested his forehead against Tae's door.
"Taehyung-ah. M'sorry. I didn't know she would try.. to break open the door. But.. Goodnight Tae-ah. Have a good sleep... Prince."

And the hallway was empty again. Taehyung's heart flipped. Seokjin's voice sounded so broken, sad and utterly dejected.

You (Tae)-
Have a good sleep too 

Tae ah??
You texted back....
Sorry I got carried away
Goodnight prince
Talk to me when your ready, I'll wait till the ends of the earth ;)

Taehyung giggled. Seokjin was always so cheesy, a flirt. But it made him smile. Finally. He said something at least right? And maybe tonight he wouldn't sleep that bad.

N e x t m o r n i n g 

Taehyung awoke, stretching his body, and looked down at his phone.

I made some food 
Eat okay? 
Its your favorite to

Seokjin is.. cooking for him? Or is it just leftovers? Taehyung didn't care either way, peeking downstairs to see the man left to go out for a run with Yoongi. Tae hopped down the stairs, and to the kitchen where he found the Japache cooling in the refrigerator. Needless to say, that was the best Japache Tae had ever tasted, and decided he would.. Maybe he would cut off some rules of his plan A on avoiding Jin.

It was good 
Thank you 

And Seokjin always seemed to be there when Taehyung were to text him, because he texted back fast. 

no problem prince
Can I call you that? Sorry you don't have to answer.


On the other side of the phone, Seokjin is smiling widely. Tae said... That it's okay to call him "prince" as a nickname. It made Jin's heart fill with joy. Even though he was still hoping Tae would come out to talk to him, they are getting somewhere at least right?

"Why are you looking so lovey at the screen?"
Yoongi asked Jin.

"Tae-ah finally texted me back.."

Yoongi looked down at Jin's phone.
"Seokjin.. Would you really love Taehyung no matter what?" 

Seokjin looked up from his phone.
"Of course, what kind of question is that?"

Yoongi softened.
"What if.. He is a little? Would you still like him?"

Seokjin stiffened.
"What kind of idiotic question is that?! You're crazy Yoongi."

Yoongi grabbed the phone out of Jin's hand.
"Answer me Seokjin." 

Taehyung sat in the yard outside, looking at the garden. The little stared deeply into the rose bushes, thinking, day dreaming. For now.. Taehyung still has to avoid Seokjin. Avoid him like the plague. He couldn't possibly face Jin. Not right now at least. If he were to even see the man in front of him, staring at him, he would puke, or worse, have a panic attack. And he couldn't possible have that. After all there last interaction.. Was not the best. At all. And even worse if the older questions him. What could he possible say? 

Tae knew Seokjin wouldn't be back until at least an hour or more, so it gave him time around the house. Taehyung is in the kitchen, making himself a glass of water, but before he could comprehend a single thing, a slam was opened from the door, and a sweaty Seokjin came in.

"You're a what?"

Taehyung's eyes widened. What? He's here early? Tae's breath staggered. And what did he mean 'you're a what?' Taehyung felt like puking that instant, but all of it went back down when Seokjin scowled his words.

"You're a fucking little."

Wow. Damn. Uh well I guess you will all see what happened in the next chapter, don't forget to vote and leave feedback! :)

You're a What? -taejinWhere stories live. Discover now