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"I'm not going to marry some random girl!"
Seokjin exclaimed.

Yes, the girl with his parents might be pretty, but Seokjin knew he wouldn't like her. Right when he entered the mansion something felt horribly wrong, and that's exactly what.

"Seokjin! Do not speak up like that! You will marry this fine young lady, even if I die!"
His father yelled at seokjin, scolding the poor guy.

"Father. I am 18. I can make my own decisions and I say no."

"Seokjin. I am your father. Your 18 and that means it's legal for you to be married, so you two are getting married this summer. I recommend you two to get to know each other"
His father implied, giving 'the look' to Seokjin.

Now 'the look' was a very scary look. It practically means that Seokjins father would slit his throat if he didn't do what was asked of him.

"No. That's final father"
Oh how good it felt to say that. His father always said he sane thing to him, and to watch the anger roar in his fathers eyes really made his inner soul smile.

"Hah. Now son, don't make me yell in front of our important guest. Am I being clear?"
His father prompted.

Seokjin rolled his eyes.
"Crystal clear"

"Now, why don't you two children go upstairs to talk? We'll be down here"

By upstairs, Seokjins father meant Seokjins room, and that was on the fourth floor, not the easiest to get up the stairs, which was quite a work out.

Once they got into Seokjins room, Seokjin spinned himself around to the girl.

He didn't even know the girl's name. She had hazelnut brown hair, short to her collar bone, dark brown eyes, clear skin, had lots of make up on, while she smacked on her pink bubblegum.

"Look... uhh"
Seokjin tried to say.

"My names hwasa"

Seokjin cleared his throat.
"Look hwasa, I appreciate that your here for my own fathers consent, but I'm not the kind of person to marry someone I don't even fucking know. If you know what's best for you, you'd stay away from me, and tell my parents this is nonsense, and that you don't like arranged marriages ether"

What Seokjin would've thought, is that the girl would agree with him, but that wasn't really the point here.

"Hmm no hon, I kind of want this to heppen though"
She smirked, winking at Seokjin, her eyes roaming his body, and face.

Seokjin made a disgusted face.
"I'm sorry, but I don't like you. I don't know you and don't want to know you. I'm sorry but I will not get married to you. We could be friends, but that's that. We aren't going to cross the line"

"Friends with benefits?"
Hwasa sneered, grabbing onto Seokjins collar and pulling him to her face, wanting to go in closer until Seokjin pulled away.

"That is enough hwasa. Don't try to ever touch me like that again. I would never hurt a girl.. but I won't hesitate to call the authorities if you try to touch me again, good day"
Seokjin frowned, a bit angry, leaving his own room, with hwasa, in his own room.

Seokjin walked over to a servant, working in the mansion.
"Make sure she doesn't touch my belongings.. and please, get her out of my room for God's sake"
Seokjin whispered over to the servant, who nodded, going into Seokjins direction of his room.

Jin sighed, bringing out his phone, deciding to dial up a number, Taehyung. But Taehyung didn't answer. Was something wrong? No.. Seokjin was probably just over worrying...

"Uhh Mr. Seokjin"
Another servant said, poking his shoulder.

Seokjin spinned around.

"Mr and mrs.kim want you downstairs"
The servant said politely, bowing.

"Hmm Alright, thank you for telling me"

Seokjin made his way downstairs. It wasn't like he was excited to see his parents. His father had always had a strict tongue, a homophobe, and a very mean person, only to his son though.

His mother was actully the opposite. She was very sweet, nice, and beautiful. She wasn't homophobic at all, loving everyone. But, she didn't have much say in the matter, her husband scaring even herself.

"Is something the matter with you Seokjin?!"
Seokjins father screamed as Seokjin made his way in the dining hall.

Seokjin looked over to Hwasa, to see her crying. What?

"Your such a disgrace of a child Seokjin. You made this poor young woman cry, just because your improper, and foolish. No apologize!"
His father yelled at Seokjin.

Seokjin took a step back.
"What did I ever do to have to apologize?"

Hwasa spoke up, stuttering and hiccuping in between her words.
"H-he yelled at m-me, and t-threatened me"

Seokjins lips let out a fated gasp.
"Father! You can't possibly believe just some girl! I'm your son! She's lying!"

Seokjins father huffed.
"You've always been such a wreck Seokjin! And now your lying to me? It's pathetic! Go to your room and don't come out until you say sorry!"
His father screamed at him.

Seokjin glared at his father, Than his mother, but right before he could leave, he took one last glance at Hwasa, wanting to glare at her, just to se she was smirking, wiping away her "tears" and smiling widely, only frowning when his parents looked at her.

Seokjins eyes widened.
She was playing a very dangerous game, a game that Seokjin absolutely was furious at, and knew he was going to win at.

And this is our new rival! Seokjins soon fiancée, and May or May not be rivals with Taehyung as well.....

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