Chapter 29 : Change of plans

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London, United Kingdom

The briefing room in the Churchill bunker is now packed with the seven of us. James and I prepared tea and cookies to help replenish some of our energy to focus. "So..." James said, lifting his cup to take a sip. "We took out the wrong target?"

"It seems that way James." Dominic replied, taking a sip. "But confusingly the DNA samples matched Bin Masir."

"Could it be that Bin Masir has a twin brother?" Jay asked. 

"Could be Jay." Gerry replied. "Jefferson?"

"... Huh?" the man asked, as he was looking through the OSINT data downloaded from the assassin's phone. "What?"

"Never mind that first. How's the info Jefferson?" Olivia asked.

"The assassin has a very colorful backstory." he commented. "But I still got his name : Jean Pierre. French national, former soldier in the French military. Discharged due to having PTSD, and works as what he claimed, a hired gun."

"Huh, just like the killer I encountered when I was investigating the senator's murder. Also a former soldier and hired gun, but not having PTSD in his medical records."

"That Portugese guy?" Dom asked me.

"That one." I said, nodding. "Got me into trouble with that Russian."

"He has off-shore accounts in countries like Switzerland and Panama." Jefferson said. "As a finance graduate you should be able to make sense of it."

"Banking is not my speciality, but I can still understand the basics." I say as he handed me the transactions. 

"Not much active in the social circle and the only known relative of his is dead."

"Which one?"

"His sister, died from uterus cancer. Parents have been long dead."

"We lost a potential lead." James said with a sigh. "Anything else we can follow?"

"In that case, you're in luck." Jay said, slapping a piece of paper on the desk. "The silencer he used is unique to the Swiss. I cross referenced the serial number and found the one company manufacturing the equipment."

"I have an informant there, maybe I can ask him about it." I say. "Company's name Jay?"

"I'm not good with German Isa." Jay leveled a glare at me.

"Sorry." I said, raising my hands. 

"So, our next stop is in the Alps?" Olivia asked.

"I can contact him now instead of we going there." 

"I dreamed of going to the Alps." Gerry said with a sigh. 

"Hey, no time for fun right now." Dom said. 

"Maybe all of us are going there right now." Uncle Roland interrupted by entering the room. "Somehow 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has a lock on my Gulfstream!"

"Didn't we go camo on that?" Jay said.

"Must be the pilot, bloody forget to turn on the stealth system." he said. "Pack your bags kids, we're going to the Swiss Alps."

"For God's sake!" James yelled in frustration. 

"Seriously, who has been tracking us?"

"I think... basically every intelligence agency on the globe." I said, my chin perched on my hand. 

"Yeah, we're gonna go." Jay said, standing up. 

"I have to pack my things." James said. "I didn't expect things to turn like this."

Hours later

Sitting on my seat in the Gulfstream I struggled to take a shut eye as some of them did. I cannot believe that the pilot flying the Gulfstream earlier, can forget to turn on whatever stealth mechanics Uncle Roland has onboard the plane. Dom has been asleep when the Gulfstream lifted off, along with Olivia and Jefferson. Jay, on the other hand, continues to track the suppressor's reference number to look for more clues. A sheet of paper laid silently on my lap as I looked out from the window to the calming sea below, coated in a deeper shade due to the night skies. Then my phone buzzed, the caller's ID showed D Castellanos. 

"Madam Vice President." came the voice of the caller.

"Mr. Prime Minister." I greeted.

"I have received the message."

"Good. You have my thanks."

"There is a problem though." he said, his voice hinting something. "I bumped into your husband when I arrived at Roland's home."

"Bruce?" I asked. "Decided to find me after all." I said, my tone turning grim.

"I told him that you will not appear unless your job is done. But I still have the possibility of him not giving up."

"I don't know, but I think..."

"What is it?"

"I cannot be sure, uncle." I said, my hand sliding down towards my belly. "But I think I... might be pregnant with Bruce's child."

"You what?!" he shouted. "How can you be so reckless?"

"I don't know, the signs of fatigue, nausea. I think it might be."

"You should see a doctor." he replied. "Shall I send you my own doctor?"

"As much as I am tempted to accept I have to decline. Getting several people involved is already a bad idea."

"Yes, yes." he said. "But I believe that you will be safe with Roland by your side."

"Wait." I said softly. "Can you be certain that he wouldn't track your phone call to me?"

"One hour ago and counting I have removed trackers he has placed on my cell phone and watch. I also cannot rule out the possibility of him planting more trackers on me."

"That's the issue uncle." I said. "He tried once. When I was with the FBI."

"When he fell in love with you, back in England."

"Did uncle tell you that?"

"He have." he confirmed. "To be honest, he shouldn't pretend to be a socialite like that."

"That was his older self... I think." I said. "I'm not sure about that now."

"I am not much of a love expert... but I know, that you two cared for each other. And I am sure that you two would want to raise the unborn child together." I nodded but did not reply. 

"Uncle, did you have anything on The Wolf from your side in the intelligence department?"

"That might be a problem." he said. "The intelligence agency in my country has also been mobilized to search for you and your team."

"Can you... keep them off my track?"

"Absolutely not." he said. "I have my duty to serve the people of Greece, and the President of the United States demanded that every information collected by the intelligence agencies regarding you and your team must be handed over to the Americans."

"Should I be worried?" I asked.

"You know where to find William, hide in that cabin of his and try to keep a low profile. I will grant you access to the database whenever I can."

"May you be safe on your journey." I whispered in Greek.

"May you be safe as well." he said, ending the call. When I placed down my phone I found myself staring at Richard and Luke, standing in the cabin, their eyes wide and focused on me as if they have overheard something.

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