ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴇʟᴇᴠᴇɴ

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After a few days, everything got back to normal between the two friends, even though (y/n) would kiss Kiyotaka's cheek from time to time. The boy wasn't sure why she did that, but he also didn't want her stop doing it.

It always left a warm feeling in his stomach and his cheeks became red. Kiyotaka finally decided to talk to Mondo about it. Maybe his friend would know why he always felt so strange when the (h/c) haired girl showed him some kind of affection, so he asked the Ultimate Biker Gang Leader to meet him after school.

The tall male of course accepted and after school, they both went to Mondo's room. "What's up, bro?" He asked, a bit concerned, considering that his friend was acting really strange. Scratching his neck, the Ultimate Moral Compass sighed. "I need your advice." That took Mondo of guard. Most of the time, it was the other way around.

"Sure... What is it? Is it about a girl?" Kiyotaka looked at him, surprise written all over his face. "How did you know?" "Almost everyone noticed that you and (y/n) got so much closer." This made the black haired boy's cheeks heat up.

"Well... You see, everytime (y/n) does something like hugging me or kissing my cheek, I always feel this weird feeling inside of my stomach. At first I thought I was sick, but my temperature was completely fine and I just don't know what it is. Don't get me wrong, it's a nice feeling, but I just want to know why it's there."

There was a short silence, until Mondo's loud laughing filled the room. "Oh man! You have a thing for (y/n)!" This just confused the Ultimate Moral Compass even more. "Have a thing for (y/n)...?"

"What does that mean?" Kiyotaka asked when he didn't get an answer. The Ultimate Biker Gang Leader took a moment to catch his breath, wiping his tears away which formed in his eyes because of all this laughing and them smirked at Kiyotaka.

"You are in love with her, that's what it means." The boy's eyes widened. He was in love with (y/n)? Now that he thought about it, it actually sounded logical. But most males could understand him: (Y/n) definitely was a really cute and beautiful girl, with her flowing (h/c) hair and her bright (e/c) eyes.

As he thought of her, a soft sigh escaped his lips, earning another chuckle from Mondo. The male pat his back harshly. "Just confess to her if you are ready to. I'm sure she also has a crush on you." He said, grinning at his friend to encourage him.

"Thanks for the advice, bro. I will get going now. I have to study for the upcoming test. You should do that too." Kiyotaka said, walking out of the room, after giving Mondo a first bump and closed the door behind him, walking down the halls to get to his room.

As he began studying, his mind often drifted of to what Mondo said to him. It all made sense now. How he was always blushing and getting flustered when she kissed his cheek with her soft lips, or how often he just wanted to hug her and never let go of her.

He was in love with her this whole time but didn't even notice. But was it true? Did (y/n) really return his feelings? The black haired male shook his head in frustration and looked back down at his book. He should study first.

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