Chapter 39

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Time flashed rather quickly before they knew it. In a blink of an eye, the young couple had stayed at the Wuyuan Village for more than twelve days. The general's injuries almost healed and his qi had recovered during his rest. His mind became clearer, enabling him to see through every problem with clarity.

For Zhao Xing, their stay at the Wuyuan Village was more like a sweet escape from the bitter reality. Aside from recuperating and helping the villagers, she used this opportunity to nurture her relationship with Gao Chang Gong.

In these past few days, they became closer and closer. Both of them had experienced a near death situation together, so they only had each other to rely on.

Now the lovebirds were stuck at this remote village for almost two weeks, shared the same room and bed, and they couldn't help but become more familiar with each other's presence. A mutual understanding grew deep inside their hearts, making them appear like an old couple who understood each other even in silence.

Since the general had recovered, he decided to lend a helping hand to his benefactors. Seeing his little wangfei work hard day and night, his heart ached painfully. Zhao Xing had a delicate body, and her injuries weren't less than his. Despite all of it, she was still dilligently helping Old Madam Gu do the household chores, and even helped the old couple make money.

Gao Chang Gong wanted her to take some more rest, but seeing how happy she was, he didn't have the heart to say that. All he could do was remind her to be more mindful of her body and gave her his support. Every night, after the young lady fell asleep, he would always inspect her hands and feet before giving them a gentle massage to alleviate her exhaustion.

But since the prince finally regained his strength, he could finally help the old couple and ease some of the young lady's responsibilities. In the morning, he would help Old Master Gu collect some firewood from the forest and hunted a few wild animals. For several days, it became his routine.

Prince Lanling sometimes felt surprised by his actions. He, an almighty general, was willing to do these kind of things.

In the past, he wouldn't have even thought of doing it at all. But now he didn't feel offended or troubled at all. In contrary, he felt warm and full. Everytime he went back, Zhao Xing would always greet him with her bright, dazzling smile. He realized having someone waiting for you to come back home was extremely pleasant.

This happiness, if he could, he wanted to keep it by himself. This time, he wanted to be selfish. It would be nice if they could stay like this for a lifetime. Far from the bustling capital and the messy imperial court's politics. For Zhao Xing, he was willing to give up everything and live a humble life like now.

One day, Gao Chang Gong was going to the forest to collect the firewoods with Grandpa Gu like usual whileZhao Xing stayed at home and helped Grandma Gu to finish the household chores.Since she finished her tasks early, the young lady decided to clean their bedroom and change the bedsheets.Though Zhao Xing just didn't expect she would find a treasure when she tidied up Gao Chang Gong's desk.

"What is this?"

Ditching her broom, Zhao Xing took that certain book from the desk. She tilted her head, her pair of peach blossom eyes filled with curiosity.The young lady sat at the edge of the bed and flipped open the book.

Zhao Xing's jaw was almost dropped to the ground as soon as her eyes met with the vulgar, arousing images on that book.Her eyes widened in shock as her breath got stuckin her throat.

T-this.... how could a refined and gentle man like Gao Chang Gong have this kind of book? He even hid this yellow book securely!

The transmigrator was naturally familiar with thesekinds of image. As a part of modern society, she was quite open-minded about sex education. Even though she was a single dog and hadn't gotten the opportunity to feel the beautiful experience of... that, she wasn't that stupid either.Thus, with a good mood, Zhao Xing flipped through the pages and carefully inspected the detailed illustration.

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