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“Uh-oh!” Pope said as he and the boys drove up towards the abandoned boat.

The sun was still rising. The three girls had just awoken, giggling and sharing a bag of jellybeans for breakfast.

Sarah was excited to tell Malia the news of her and Kiara getting along again. Telling her about how they started talking last night while she was in a “deep sleep”.

“You girls need a tow?” John B smiled.

Kiara rolled her eyes, “Don’t give them the satisfaction of thinking this worked,”

“Absolutely not,” Sarah agreed.

Malia remained unphased, still upset with the boys as they drove up beside them.

JJ plucked his sunglasses from his face, giving Malia a smile, “Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” he tried buttering her up, already knowing she was probably gonna give him the cold shoulder.

As Kiara battled with John B, JJ held his hand out, allowing Malia to step into the small boat.

“C’mon, you're not still mad, are you, Li?” He laughed as she swatted his hand away, hopping onto the boat to grab the rope they used to pull the larger boat out with.

“Someones sleeping on the couch tonight,” Pope chuckled, earning himself a glare from the small girl.

John B turned to look at the girl, “It was your idea, Mal, you can’t be too upset”

Malia feigned a smile, bending down to meet his face, “I’m a very nice person,” she spoke, her voice dripping with dominance, “But you, John Brooker, just made yourself a powerful enemy” she gently tapped the tip of his nose.

Kiara and Sarah high-fived one another, “Better say your prayers boys, Malia Beifong’s on our team. You better bring the big guns”

“Please, she’d be on our team if you two didn’t decide to play ‘who can stress John B out the most’ with all your fighting” the brunette male spoke, earning a glare from all three girls.

“Just wait, we’re gonna get you back when you least expect it,” Sarah smiled, sending her boyfriend a wink.

Kiara nodded, tying up their boat, “You better watch your back, boys”

Malia shook her head with a playful smile as she helped Kiara knot the rope.

Pope nodded, “Well, I for one welcome that challenge,”

“Me too,” JJ agreed, “Let's see what you got, princess,” he chuckled, taking Malia’s hand in his while he pulled her in by the waist, seductively whispering in her ear, “Go ahead and punish me,”

“JJ, knock it off” Kiara’s nose scrunched up in disgust.

Malia giggled, running her fingers through the boy's hair, gently tugging on the ends before pushing him away.

“Anyway,” Pope looked away from the affectionate scene, “Did you two, you know..”

“Reconcile our differences?”

Sarah shook her head, humming a no.

“Not even close.”

John B turned to look at Malia, knowing that if the girls were fooling around, she’d crack and say so, but the girl looked away from him, not even sparing him a second glance as Sarah went on.

“But, we’re willing to work together,”

The boys all shared a look. Their frowns and questioning stare all turned in triumph.

𝙲𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚋𝚋𝚎𝚊𝚗 𝚀𝚞𝚎𝚎𝚗 ⚓ 𝙹𝙹 𝙼𝚊𝚢𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚔Where stories live. Discover now