Chapter 1: Bitch I am a Boss

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"Ma'am I can do all your services, including your makeup. I have mastered in makeup arts."

"I am looking for a assistant not a makeup artist! Next!"

"I have ability to protect you in any cases. Here, my degree of martial arts."

"You belong to WWE not in the office. Next!"

"I can promote the company."

"I am not selling fruits in here! Out!"
"Rosé wtf is going on with these stupid people! I am looking for an assistant not a toilet cleaner!"

"I will make sure the next interviewees are not like these ones Jennie Ma'am."

"They shall better not."

Rosé's pov

Y'all wondering who is she. Well simple words she is a boss bitch. A spoiled brat. A billionaire who's father is in her hands.
She is Miss Jennie Kim.
Her father gets her whatever in the world she wants. And that's how her father lost this company of his in her hands.
Today is her first ever day in office and look at her.
I don't personally despiser her, I mean she has an eye for talent. It was my interview day and her dad kicked me out, luckily she visited the company and told me to come from tomorrow.
I liked her a lot at that time but after she hired me she acted like she doesn't even know me. Impudent. So I don't have words for her.

"Jimin go through these documents twice."

"Rosé-shi at first respect, call me Jimin-shi, I am older. Secondly don't command me I-"

"I am more qualified than you. How many times are you gonna repeat this exactly? And may I remind you oNcE aGaIn that you may be more qualified but I am on a higher post than you."

"Just because you were lucky enough and met that Jennie slut!"

"Don't call her a slut, you hear me?"

"So now you are defending her huh? We'll see soon how I get a promotion and take over your post."

"We'll see about that but at the moment you have some files to do. Now if you excuse me I have more works to do as the MANAGER of this company"

"Brag while you still can"

Jennie's pov

What a exhausting day today! Those raw eggs! Ugh this company is a wholesome mess. I am gonna take a walk to Starbucks and order my iced coffee, these all people are giving me a headache on my first day already!

Taehyung's pov
"Cancel that appointment with the park company. They don't match our level."

"But Sir Taehyung they do. This will make us quite a lot profit aswell."

"I commanded no need for your advices."
I gave him a death glare. I know he never talks wrongly but still I have a reputation you know can't risk it.
We were walking on the road when our paths crossed a girl. Our shoulders bumped with each other's but we ignored it. We both walked passed each other but


"You are talking to me?" I turned my face around and faced her.

"Is there anyone else except for me you and this kid."

She called Jungkook a kid, can't agree more he surely looks like one.

"You in my office 9:00 sharp tomorrow as my personal assistant. My card."

This little attitude handed me a card in my hand and walked away. I looked at the card it reads 'Sale Smarts' under Jennie Kim.

"Did she just ordered me and made me her assistant!"

"Seems like she did."

"Does she even know who I am!"

"Of course not. If she did she wouldn't have smacked her card on your face."
I gave him a death stare, he speaks too much.

"Sorry Mr. Taehyung."

"She thinks I'll go to her office at 9:00 am huh! What a imagination!"

"You will not go at 9:00 but 11:00am."

"Do you even know what you are talking about?"

"Well yes I know what I am talking about. I just checked her card and she is the client we were gonna meet tomorrow at 11:00pm."

"What the actual hell! This can't be possible! Where are the documents?"

"In your office."

"Drive to the office right now!"
We drove to the office. I rushed to my room and found the documents. I read them and spanked them as soon as I read 'Sale Smart'.

"Fvck my life! She is the one whom we were gonna meet tomorrow!"

"See I told you"
I gave him a death stare again. He usually only gives me bad news. This brat. Can't lie sometimes he is useful as well.

"You! It's all because of you!"

"But why am I to blame? I only informed you with the news."

"You dare speak against your boss!"
Ughhh this life. I'll just cancel the contract with her. She looks dangerous and bossy. Don't think I am scared but it's just that I am not used to this attitude.

Authors note:
This is it for this chapter. I hope you liked it. I am new to the field on writing in Wattpad. I write stories on Instagram mostly so I have only a little experience in writing.
Stay tuned for the next one.

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