Chapter 5: Kidnapper VS Rapist

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Lisa's pov

Immmm my head it hurts. I was drunk last night with Rosé I remember. Hmmm I am sleepy I wanna sleep more!
I walked to the bathroom in a sleeping state. I took a bath and dressed up.

"Gotta get the accessories first before leavi——- AHHHHHHH!!!!"
I screamed as loud as I can walking up to a person who just caught my attention. He was all wrapped up in sheets.

"Mhmmmm mmmmmm!!!!"

He was trying to speak something but I just quickly ran out of the room.
What the actual fvck! Who was that! Why was he sitting as if he was kidnapped?? Did we do something last night?!
No no that ain't happening I am still a virgin right?
I quickly took a cab and arrived at the house.

"Miss Jia where is Jennie Ma'am."

"She left two hours ago in anger when she didn't found you in the house."

"Fvck I have messed up a big time!"

"I guess you should drive to the office to apologise."

"Right I'll leave than. Handle the house still than."

I arrived at the office of Jennie and knocked the door.

"Jennie? Jennie I am so sorry this will never happen again."

"You aren't responsible for the house anymore."

"Jennie don't do this pls."

"You will be my assistant from now onwards."

"What? But why?"

"Since you failed at your previous job this one is the punishment for you."

"But I don't know anything about this company."

"You'll learn soon."
"We are heading out for a meeting in fifteen mins. So get the car ready."

"Sure I'll manage it."

Taehyung's pov

Where is that Jeon fvcking Jungkook at! I told him we have a meeting with the company Sale Smart today and yet he is late!
I can't waste my time I have to go or that little attitude will make a big deal out of it.
I quickly messaged Jungkook the location in case if he finds me and left my office to a restaurant.

"Good Morning Mr. Kim."

"Good Morning Miss Jennie and?"

"Lisa. I am Lisa. Assistant of Jennie."

"Oh so you came in my replacement."

"You were never my assistant."

"I apparently was."

"No you were not."

"Yes you——"

"I guess we should start the meeting."

"Here are few things I came up for the project."
She took it from my hand even before I pass it to her.

"Mr. Kim I just went through these and I don't think that your plans will make us any profit."

"Well it surely———"

"I am so sorry so sorry Boss."

"What took you so long! You knew we had a meeting!"

Lisa's pov

Am I seeing things or is this the same shit from the hotel!
Fvck is he after me or something! What a mf! I am starting to think what happened last night.
I get it! He probably tried to raped me and people must have caught him! That's why he was tied up on the chair.

"You! Rapist!"

He slowly moved his face in my direction and went dumb.




The fvck he is saying? Me kidnapper?

"What is going on you two!"

"Boss. You were asking me the reason right! This damn girl is the reason."

"Shut the fvck up rapist! Because of you I got fired from my job."

"sToP cAlLiNg mE tHaT!"
"You were in planning of rapping me yesterday!"

"Can you both stop for a minute. Lisa what exactly is this kid saying?"

"What's up with you two calling me with these stupid names."

"Shut up Jungkook."

"Now even my boss isn't taking my side."

"Jennie, Rosé and me went to the club yesterday. When we got drunk this person right here tried to take advantage of me. He was gonna rape me but I guess people came and wrapped him in sheets."

"YOU how dare you tried to harm her!"

"You did that Jungkook?"

"Can y'all stop? You are listening to the person who was drunk and doesn't remember even a single thing?"
"I was waiting for the client but he didn't showed up, instead of him this drunk lady showed up. She startled seducing me first and than slept on me. Being the gentleman I am——"

"Stop bragging, continue."

"I took her to the bedroom and there she pushed me on the bed. She had full scenes of rapping me but she kidnapped me instead she thought I was kidnapping her."

"I don't believe that, he is lying."

"Why would I lie?"

"Of course you would lie. My assistant won't lie. And perhaps you went on your boss."

"And how am I related to this?"

"Because you are his boss!"

"Hey there Jennie."


Authors note:
That's the end of lizkook fighting 😂.
Thank you everyone who is supporting me. Thank you for reading, voting and commenting.
Special thank to lkdiaries for always supporting me. Thank you Unnie.
I write stories on Instagram as well. Some of you may have come from there.
My insta id: bangpink__stories

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