Chapter 3: Avacodos

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Taehyung's pov

"Kim Taehyung?"
He came and greeted me

"Hello I am Jeon Jungkook the assistant of Kim Taehyung."

"Oh hey, I am Jimin. Soon to be Manager of this company."

"What do you mean by soon to be?" I asked

"That means he will be leaving the company very soon."
That blonde who guided me to Mrs.Irene exclaimed.

"Myself Park Chaeyoung the manager of this company. If I am not wrong you are assistant of Miss Jennie?"

"You are wrong! I am Kim Taehyung, the one who was here for the partnership between the companies but got mistaken as her assistant."

"Oh, I am so sorry."

"It's ok young lady."

"Where are you going Taehyung?"

"Mr.Park you should call him with respect."

"Miss's Park for your information we were best friends!"

"WHAT!!!!??" Jungkook and Rosé said at the same time.

"But wait one thing confuses me! She called you Mr.Park and you called her Mrs.Park. Are you both perhaps married to each other?"

They both said aloud bursting my ear.

"That was a Miss's not a Mrs."

"Jimin-ah I have to go somewhere, we'll catch up later."

Rosé's pov

This Jimin! What does he think he is! Introducing himself as the future manager.

"Mr. Park Jimin you shouldn't be giving this introduction to the clients."

"Why do you fear it will come true?"

"Haha in your dreams. Shall I always remind you have work to do."

"Why are you always targeting me?"

"Me? And targeting you? Well it's the opposite. You are always finding ways to insult me and bring my reputation down."

"I agree hundred and one percent with that."

By saying that he left, what a jerk! He even accepted that he wants to bring me down. Idk why but I also feel like I target him. It's like I am always looking up to his mistakes. I should stop this aswell.

Jisoo's pov

"You are one of the person because of whom things between me and my sister started to crumble. Yoongi I loved you now I have moved on. So you should go to Jennie."

"I bet if you don't want me than she doesn't want me as well."

"Just go to her and give her happiness."

"She could have happiness from the person who loves her not from me."

"At least try it."

"Ughhh why am I even friends with you. Fine but you know very well if I get rejected by her than I will do anything just to get her."

"She won't reject I am sure."

"Anyways how are things between you and Jin?"

"It's all messed up. The night I confessed was the day when he had his first ever girlfriend."

"I am sure you will be the second."

"Nah. I'll move on I am sure."

*Four days have passed*

Rosé's pov

Four days have passed I have been not fighting with Jimin. I ignore him and he is least bothered about my behaviour towards him. I guess I was the one who was trying to grab his attention, I'll continue like this.

I looked back and found Jimin standing behind me. I thought he would have some kind of file to give me but his hands are empty. The thing which had me shock was him calling me 'Rosé'.

"Anything you want?"

"Ummm no nothing much just......aaaaa yeah the partnership with the company Agency Stack has to conclude a meeting."

"You told me that yesterday."

"I did? Ohhhh I forgot."

"Ummm it's the lunch break aren't you going?"

"Yeah I will be heading soon."

"Not soon you are going right now cause it's getting over in 20 mins."

He held my hand and dragged me towards the cafeteria.
Rosé? What's up with you these days. I want to hear this from him but will he ever ask me? I don't think so.

"Rosé why are you eating? You use to eat a lot previously even my chicken piece."

I remembered the time when I used to steal his chicken piece just because he used to diet at that time, even when he wasn't at diet I use to steal it anyways. Am I starting to miss the old us?
What am I talking their wasn't a 'us' ever.

"I am just not in the mood to eat anything."

"That will make you sick. Here, try this."

He was holding his chopsticks which he stocked near to my mouth. I took the bite of the pasta he offered me from his food he ordered. I didn't even know why but as soon as I finished the bite many tears started flowing my eyes.

"Rosé! What happened are you alright?!"

He got up from his seat and came near me.

"I am alright just that it was spicy."

"It's not spicy at all."

"Than I guess I just want to cry."
I hugged him while he was standing my head on his abs.

"If you cry anymore than I'll make you eat Avocados so better hush up."

Authors note:
Ending the third part of this story right here. Thank you to all of those who have been supporting me from the starting. Love you all.

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