Chapter 6: My drunk girlfriend

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Jennie's pov

We excused ourselves to a corner

"I saw you in this restaurant so thought of visiting you."

"Oh i was having a meeting actually, we'll catch up later."

"Sure. Let's meet some other day. Come to my house."

"I and my boyfriend will surely come."

"Your boyfriend?"

"Yeah why?"

"Who is he?"

"He won't be gay for you."

"I don't want him to be gay for me as well."
"See ya."

Wow Jennie Kim you dragged yourself into another scandal. Who is going to be your boyfriend now?
I should go back to the table.

"Whatever you have come up with for profit is fine. Lisa finalize it."

"So you finally agree."

"Want me to disagree?"

"And you kiddo come with me."

"No he won't."

"Yes he will."

I dragged that kid outside the hotel and made him sit in the car.

"Ma'am you want something from me?"

"Ah yes, a favor it is."
"I want for you to go with me to a house."

"Me? But why?"

"Let me complete my sentence first kiddo. I want you to go there as my boyfriend."

"W-What? b-but that isn't possible."

"I am informing you not asking your opinion about it kiddo."

"You are telling me to be your boyfriend when you always call me kiddo."

"Do you want me to call you Jungkook baby than?"

"It still has a baby in it."

"Zip your mouth before I zip it for you."

"Now can I leave?"

"Don't you dare tell your boss about it!"

"But he is my boss he should know."

"This isn't a business deal which we are doing. Now get out. I'll give you further detail on the phone."

He left the car and I let Lisa inside the car who was standing outside.

"Jennie what were you talking to that jerk."

"You don't need to know. Just drive to the house."

"Not the office?"

"No I have some things to take care of."

"As you wish. Jennie I used I stay at your house, now that I am your assistant where should I stay?"

"In our house of course."


"It's your house as well."

Lisa's pov

My eyes started getting teary upon her words. She may be spoiled and may have attitude but she is the purest from heart. Not to mention how she always treats me like her sister.

"Not in the mood of being emotional I am Lisa."

I passed her a smile, she rolled her eyes and smiled back.

*Meanwhile in the office*

Rosé's pov

I slapped him hard on his face.

"What the fuck Park Jimin are you in your senses!"

"Why?! Is it that wrong to confess to someone you like?"

"You aren't just confessing! But confessing when you already have a girlfriend!"

"Which girlfriend? Who girlfriend!?


"Why would you think of her being my girlfriend rosé?!"

"She is my cousin and only cousin, not more than that."

"You are telling me she calls you honey for no reason? She kisses you for no reason?"

"Oh lord! Everyone calls me honeyboo in my family, and she just shortens it to honey. She didn't meant the honey which is in relationship."

"Don't lie Park Jimin no cousins would kiss each other."

"I swear that was my first kiss minutes ago."

"I don't believe you."

"Come on rosé trust is the first rule of being in a relationship."

"Who says we are in a relationship? I don't share the same feelings for you."

"Yeah that's why you were in so need of losing your virginity to me yesterday."

"W-What are you saying shut up."

"What? I am telling you the truth. You were drunk yesterday and came to my house and pushed me in the bed. You even caused big trouble for me yesterday because you woke my grandma up and I had to explain her who you are and what are you doing in my house this late."

"And what did you told her about who am I?"

"My drunk girlfriend."

"I am not your girlfriend mister."

"You confessed to me yesterday and even gave me hickeys."

"Eww I wouldn't do that."

"Oh well but you did. And if you are wondering why you woke up in your house was because I dropped you there."
"After all the explanation do you finally take me as your boyfriend?"

"I will think about it."

"Rosé you can't do that! You can't make a poor guy suffer."

"That poor guy stole my first kiss."

"Than that poor guy will take your second kiss as well."

He said that and pressed his lips into mine kissing me softly. I can't resist his gentleness so I gave in. His hands on my cheeks while mine on his back. After a short period of time we stopped. Our eyes closed and foreheads against each other.

"It's good to know you're mine rosé."

"I am still not yours Park Jimin."

He flicked my forehead in return of me teasing him. I quickly pecked his lips and ran away.

Authors note
So sorry for not posting these days. I am thinking to start my other story on this account rather than on another. Should I?

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