Chapter 2: Not the end

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Lisa's pov

Jennie is gonna arrive soon I should probably press her clothes, and set them on her bed.

"Miss Jia please make the salad it's about time for Ma'am Jennie to arrive."

It's hard sometimes to take care of the whole house and to be in charge of it but I am the only one who can bear Jennie's attitude so I am the head of the maids, and Jennie's personal maid and friend. My cousin rosé works in her dads office now hers.

"Ugh a tiring first day! Lisa! Please arrange the food on the table meanwhile I am taking the shower."

"Yes Jennie."
I am the only one who is allowed to call her by her name.

"Lisa has Jennie arrived yet?"

"Ahhh yes Jisoo Ma'am."

She is Jisoo, big sister of Jennie and complete opposite of her. It doesn't even look like they have blood relation. She is kind attractive and sweet. Even though she was treated the same as Jennie, but oh well who am I to complain on her attitude.
Everyone is now heading to the dining room, as usual the opposite seats are of Jisoo and Jennie and I'll be standing in the corner of the room.

"Jennie how was your day?"

"Why do you bother to ask? It's good not like I am gonna let this company fall in your hands."

Jennie has always been a cold bitch to everyone specially Jisoo cause there is some bad luck going on with her. Whenever she wants something Jisoo gets its in place of her. Jisoo is not to blame but Jennie blames her, even Jennie is not wrong at her side but her attitude is a bit too bitchy towards her own sister. 

*The next morning in Jennie's office at 11:00am*

Taehyung's pov

I am standing right in front of her building, I ain't ready to go in there. And this Jungkook makes it even more worst.

"Boss let's go inside we are standing here for past five minutes."

"Don't order, let's go."

I reached her office door, we knocked and entered. The devil was sitting on a chair titled to the wall because which I can't see her. My heart stopped the moment she turned her chair.
WAIT! That's not that psychopath! Who is she?

"Ummm good morning! I am Kim Taehyung the business partner of your company."

"I am Kim Jisoo, sister of——-

"Jisoo who told you to come in my office!"

Fvck! There she is! She came like a fire ball in the room. I bet that's her sister who is sitting. She hasn't noticed me yet even though she is just standing right beside me. Her eyes are glued to her sister giving her 'get out' stares. I turned my head to her side to look at her but.........Shit! She noticed me!

"YOU! Why are you here this late! I told you to come at 9:00 and you are here at 11:00!"


"SHUT UP! Go get the files from Irene!"


"Boss go already or she might kill you!" Jungkook whispered in my ear.

I quickly left the room, not gonna lie it's good to be not in the same room as her. Now who is this Irene. I started searching her, wait! Why am I even searching her! Why am I following her orders!? Anyways I have to or I am sure that bitch will kill me.

"Ummm excuse me, do you know who is Irene?"

"She sits on the right corner."

A blonde girl with a perfect jawline answered.
I arrived at the right cornered desk so I questioned the lady sitting over there.

"Are you Miss Irene."

"That's a Mrs and yes I am Irene."

The fvck does she assume I am gonna flirt with her? This office is a wholesome psychopath. I murmured 'psycho' which she heard.

"Uril bogo malhae jakku jakku. Anyways why are you here."

"Miss Jennie asked for the files."

"Oh here have it."


"And oh wait! From next time be careful to call me Mrs.Irene."

There won't be a next time, this is the first time I am visiting and the last.

"Yes sure"

I than went to the office and knocked the door. I heard 'come in' so I went in. There I saw Jungkook sitting in the chair and Jisoo not in the room.

"Mr. Taehyung please take a seat."

Wow from where did she gained that respect for me? I went and sat on the chair.

"You are the business partner of our company if I am not mistaken?"

"Yes but I am here today to make it a was."

"You mean that you want to cancel the contract."

"Yes I do want to cancel the contract because———

"I don't wanna hear the reasons just give me the money for breaking the contract."

"Money? Which money?"

"The money which is in the contract for a company to pay if they break the contract."

"How much is it?"

"30M. You can sign a check and leave"

THE FVCK 30M!!!! I can pay that but dad will beat the hell out of me if I did! I am a billionaire but still idk why dad barely lends me 9M per month maximum. 30M would be a little too much.
I gulped.

"So? Mr.Taehyung you paying?"

I looked at Jungkook who signalled a no. I guess I can't cancel it for now but soon I will.

"I won't cancel it for now."

She smirked at me and I accepted defeat but not so soon Jennie Kim!
We were exiting the company when my eyes saw a person. I was shocked I didn't know how to act. The past between us is quite weird. I was thinking this when that person saw me.

Authors note:
The end for this chapter. Hope you liked it.
I am thinking on starting another story soon which is based on the dream I recently had, and oh boy it was a wild dream.

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